A day with Minju (pt 2)

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"WHAT? LOVE!" Tzuyu shouted early in the morning.

"Tzutzu, please don't shout. You might wake Minju up," Sana whispered harshly at her wife who was sporting a huge pout on her face.

"YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! NOT AGAIN!" Tzuyu shouted again, frustration laced in her voice.

Sana reached over and slapped her wife's head before replying, "We don't have a choice, Tzutzu. We didn't hire a nanny."

"But, I have a photoshoot at ten which is in like two hours," Tzuyu protested.

"Then bring Minju along with you," Sana calmly answered as she cupped Tzuyu's cheeks and squished them.

"Why can't you bring her along, love?" Tzuyu asked.

"I'm attending a conference to discuss the details of my upcoming movie, darling," Sana explained as she continued squeezing Tzuyu's cheeks.

Tzuyu was left confused. How was she going to be able to work properly if she had to bring Minju along with her. She would never understand how other adults do that, especially how Chaeyoung was able to take care of her daughter when Mina was doing her work. It still surprises Tzuyu that her short friend could take good care of her kid despite her not being able to take good care of herself.

She likes how she spends time with Minju during the weekends or on the days she didn't have a modelling schedule to worry about. However, today was different, Tzuyu had a photoshoot with an international shoe brand she was promoting and she couldn't be preoccupied by the responsibilities of having to take care of her child whilst she was working.

"Anyway, I'm going to take a shower now. You're free to join me," Sana said, pulling Tzuyu out of her reverie.

Sana then takes of her shirt and walks into the bathroom with only her lingerie on. Tzuyu scoffed as she watched her wife. Ever since they had gotten married, Sana had discovered many ways that would never make Tzuyu say 'No' to her. And this was one of the ways. Tzuyu would never disagree if Sana invited her to shower together. It wasn't Tzuyu's fault that she loved showers especially showers she had together with her wife.

"Chou Sana, I'm so going to kill you after this," Tzuyu mumbled as she followed Sana into the bathroom.

- - - - -

"Alright then, behave okay? Don't give your mama a hard time, Minju. Be good," Sana instructed Minju which the toddler nodded and earned herself a kiss.

"All the things that Minju needs are in this bag, babe. I prepared an extra set of clothes just in case she gets herself dirty or too sweaty. There are extra nappies in here too because our little Minju gets uncomfortable outside but if she asks you to bring her to the toilet then bring her. Her books and toys are also in here so if she starts getting bored, let her play with these," Sana showed Tzuyu.

"What else did I forget?" Sana muttered as she looked around their house.

"Shoes, mommy," Minju giggled as she pointed to Sana's shoes.

"Oh right! Thank you, sweetheart!" Sana said as she went to get her shoes from the rack. After putting her shoes on, she went over to her daughter and kneeled down in front of her. "Take care of your mama for me, will you Minju?" Sana whispered as she dropped a kiss on Minju's forehead. "I can hear whatever you're saying, Chou Sana," Tzuyu grumbled beside Minju.

"Stop being a big baby, love," Sana giggled as she kissed Tzuyu on the lips. "I'll stop once you give me another kiss," Tzuyu mumbled. Sana laughed out loud before pressing her lips against her wife's. "There you go, you big baby," Sana said as she broke away. A dimpled smile broke out on Tzuyu's lips. Before Tzuyu could lean in to give Sana one last kiss, Minju screamed from where she was standing, "MAMA! MOMMY! ME TOO! ME TOO!"

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