Charming, much?

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Sana sighs as she checks the notification showing the 5 missed calls from her mother. She knows she can't keep on ignoring her mother for much longer or she might just come to Seoul and drag Sana home herself. But she also knows that as soon as she answers she will have to deal with an invitation to some family gathering that she does not want to attend. Besides, she has indeed been quite busy, so there's also that. 

Her thoughts are interrupted when she hears her ringtone, she checks the screen just to make sure that it's her mother again. Knowing that she will have to deal with this sooner or later, she decides to just get it over with.

"Hello, mother dearest–" 

"Minatozaki Sana! Why have you not answered my calls?" Her mother is basically yelling and Sana had to move the phone away from her ear before answering. 

"I was busy, sorry. Is everything okay at home?" 

"You were busy the entire week?" 


"Fine," Her mother clearly doesn't believe it but she doesn't seem to want to go into it any further, "Your cousin is coming back from the States next week and will be visiting us. We expect you'll be here, right?" 

"I don't know, mum. School has been pretty draining and–" 

"Don't you miss your family, Sana? Your dad and I haven't seen you in months, your cousin even longer." 

Sana instantly feels guilty as she thinks about her family missing her. Of course she misses them too. As much as she has been loving living in Seoul by herself, she can't deny how much she's been missing her parents and especially her favourite cousin.

"I'll be there, mum. I miss you guys too." 

"Good!" Her mother exclaims, "We can't wait to see you." 

"I can't wait to see you either." 

"You know...your cousin is bringing her girlfriend." 

"Oh?" Sana isn't that surprised, she might not have seen her cousin in a long time but they text daily, "That's good, no?" 

"Yes, of course, but..." Her mother trails off. 

"But what?" Sana asks. 

"What about your girlfriend? Why don't you bring her too?" 

Oh, hell no. Sana had come up with that lie last time she was home. When her cousin was over, it would be easier to deal with the whole love life interrogation, but while being alone, it was excruciating. So, after having to deal with the million questions about her love life for so many family gatherings, on her last one Sana might have told a little lie about having a girlfriend, when in reality she couldn't be more single not even if she tried. 

Sana remains silent so her mother elaborates, "Since we're meeting your cousin's girlfriend, I think it could be good to meet yours too, don't you think?" 

"Uh..." Sana wrecks her brain trying to think of any possible excuse as to why her nonexistent girlfriend can't go with her besides, well, because she doesn't exist. 

"Don't you want us to meet her?" 

"No!" Sana quickly bursts out, "I mean, yes. Yes! I would love for you to meet her but–" 

"Then it's settled!" Sana can hear her mother clap her hands through the phone, "I'll tell your father about it. I'm sure he's going to be very happy." 

"Mum, wait–" 

"Oh, it's getting late, I need to start dinner," Her mother cuts her off again, "But I'll see you and your girlfriend next week. I love you!" 

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