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Tzuyu sighed as she finally arrived home after another long day of work.

"Home." she sighed, closing the door behind her.

Tzuyu arrived around midnight knowing that Sana was probably already sleeping in their shared bed.

She desperately wanted to go to sleep already, next to her wife. To hold and cuddle up with her as they both slept.

So she quietly walked to the bathroom, carefully not wanting to wake up the sleeping blonde across the hall.

The brunette brushed her teeth and changed into her pajamas, wanting to go to bed quickly as she was already feeling way too tired.

Once she was done, she carefully walked to the bedroom, she could already hear the snoring coming from her wife.

Tzuyu was surprised to see Sana had fallen asleep while watching a show on her laptop, the show was still playing.

Sana had a slight drool, messy hair, and was wearing one of Tzuyu's hoodies as she slept soundly.

Sana was so precious in Tzuyu's eyes.

The younger girl never felt so lucky to be able to see this side of Sana, as she was the only one who could.

Taking the laptop off and closing it, Tzuyu carefully went to her side of the bed and stared at the older girl.

Tzuyu pulled the blanket over Sana to cover her more while moving the few strands of blonde hair out of her face.

It was moments like these that Tzuyu cherishes the most.
She cherishes all her moments with Sana.

Placing a kiss on Sana's forehead caused her to squirm and slightly open one eye.

"Tzutzu?" The blonde mumbled, voice laced thickly with sleep.

Sana's too precious when she's like this, the brunette thought as she smiled at the girl.

"Shhh, just go back to sleep." Tzuyu whispered. "You need all the sleep you can get."

"Listen to your own words, Tzutzu." The older girl mumbled with a sly grin.

"Are you trying to argue with me, Chou Sana?"

"No, ma'am." Sana responded, her grin getting bigger, even when she was half asleep, she's happy that her wife is finally home.

"You know, I was waiting for you to come home."

"I know, I'm sorry. Work keeps taking all of my time and it's just- frustrating honestly."

"Hmm." Sana thought of an idea, "Maybe you should get a week off this time."

"Then who will be the one working?" The younger girl asked
"Fuck work, I should be the one getting all of your time and attention." Sana pouts, looking up at the brunette.

"Whatever your sweet heart desires, my love." Tzuyu smiles, placing a chaste kiss on Sana's nose.

"Now can we please sleep, I'm exhausted." Tzuyu yawned, plopping her head down on her pillow, sighing as the soft pillow hits her head.

"Don't have to ask me twice." Sana said as she curls up next to her wife, snuggling her head into the brunette's neck.

"I love you." Tzuyu mumbled sleepily.

"I love you more, goodnight Tzutzu." Sana whispered as both of them closed their eyes and drifted away into another night with each other.

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wow i should be studying for my exams but look at me, im here writing oneshots abt satzu-
do i regret my decision of writing this? no.

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