Puppyfied? (1)

869 40 41

authors note: twice in hogwarts??????

It was eight in the morning and Tzuyu was trying to have a nice and peaceful breakfast before heading to her first class of the day which was, unfortunately, Potions. Just the though of that class made Tzuyu want to vomit blood. She was hoping that waking up extremely early to get some breakfast would be able to give her some time to mentally prepare herself for that god-forsaken class.

Her morning was going smoothly as expected, that was until she heard the door of the Great Hall loudly creak open and not long after, two sets of frantic footsteps could be heard heading in her direction. The sound then came to a halt right in front of Tzuyu.

She glanced up at her two best friends, Chaeyoung who was a fellow Slytherin and Dahyun who was a Hufflepuff. Their chests were heaving up and down which made it obvious that they both ran all the way here.

"TZUYU! Please teach me how to do some transfiguration spells! I have a test later and I don't want to fail it!" Dahyun tried to plead with Tzuyu, both hands clasped together while a small pout forms on her face. The shorter Slytherin still had a whole mop of messy hair and looked as if she got dragged out of bed and was forced to wash up.

"Chaengie, you should really try and tidy yourself up. Dahyunnie, I'm not in the mood to teach you how to turn a marble into a hippo," Tzuyu yawned, she had her head propped up on her left hand while the other was playing around with the food on her plate.

Dahyun groans as she tried to appeal her request to Tzuyu again but was met with eyes rolling at her, "It's too early for this, Dahyunnie, and aren't you already quite good at transfiguration? Why bother?"

"Well...yeah, but I might have forgotten certain spells and you know how Professor Bae is. She's always nagging at us to get perfect scores on her ridiculously hard tests! I don't think I can do this anymore," Dahyun explained, eyes filled with determination. Tzuyu let out a sigh before giving a nod of approval to Dahyun's request as Chaeyoung sat down and helped herself to some pancakes while trying to tame her blonde hair.

"Fine, but I expect some form of snacks, preferably bread, later as compensation," Tzuyu grumbled.

Dahyun smiled widely and thanked the youngest one profusely. Tzuyu then felt a grip on her arm and before she could react, she was dragged away. Seeing Dahyun drag Tzuyu away, Chaeyoung stuffed her face with as many strawberries and drizzled the chocolate sauce into her mouth before running after her two best friends.

Dahyun ended up dragging Tzuyu to a random empty classroom that was situated quite far away from the main areas of the castle. Chaeyoung showed up not long after.

"Why did we walk so far away for? It's not like we're going to do something illegal," Tzuyu pointed out.

"I'd rather not let people see me fail at performing basic transfiguration spells. I still have some form of dignity in me, Tzuyu-yah," Dahyun mumbled as Chaeyoung plopped down on the chair closest to them and dozed off.

Tzuyu just let out a chuckle at the Hufflepuff's statement before pulling out her wand from her robe, asking, "Shall we begin?"

- - - - -

They've gone through three spells already and Dahyun was feeling quite proud that she was able to get a hang of casting those spells.

"Now, for the very last spell, we're going to turn this goblet into any animal you want," Tzuyu instructed as she placed the goblet onto the table beside her before signalling Dahyun to proceed with the spell.

Dahyun nodded her head and turned her attention to the goblet, while holding the wand in her hand, she lifted it up and aimed it. With a flick of her wrist, a burst of greyish-white light erupted from the tip of the wand and hit the goblet...or so she thought.

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