Are we even friends? (we're girlfriends.)

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Minatozaki Sana and Chou Tzuyu have been best friends ever since they were babies. Their parents were also the best of friends and it just so happened that their two children got along just as well as they had. They were practically one person, as their teachers used to describe them. Wherever you saw the shorter one of the duo, you could bet on your life that the taller one was not far behind. 

Well, that was until they started college.

They still went to the same college, even becoming roommates, but Tzuyu has never regretted a decision as much as this. Ever since moving in, Tzuyu's barely seen Sana around and maybe it was partly her fault because she just locks herself in her room. However it wasn't like Sana wasn't at fault too since her boyfriend was always over or she would be over at his place. 

See...Tzuyu has a small crush on her best friend, at least that's what she likes to think of her feelings as, a small crush! Sure, maybe she's had this so called small crush of hers for the past decade, but hey, it's not that big of a deal really. 

But as much as she tries to convince herself to be happy for Sana, Tzuyu obviously can't. It hurts her to hear Sana and her boyfriend laughing together from Sana's room. It hurts her to think why she ever thought she had a chance in the first place. 

Because, shockingly, Sana's straight and surprise surprise, Tzuyu's gay. Sana's the perfect daughter with good grades and is always so kind and respectful. Everybody loves her but Tzuyu, however, isn't a good person. She likes her best friend, who is not only already in a relationship but is also a girl.

Tzuyu still hadn't come out to anyone because what if they're just like Sana? If she just so slips out that she's gay, her friends would hate her, her parents would disown her and Sana would hate her. Oh, kind and sweet Sana who could never hurt a fly, but Tzuyu's seen the way Sana reacts to gay couples around their campus. She had shown nothing but disgust for how they could be so shameless in doing something a straight couple would do. 

Not only that, Sana's boyfriend Bangchan, who unfortunately has a name that Tzuyu thinks is extremely ugly like why would you name your kid BANGchan, is practically Sana's perfect male counterpart. So how was Tzuyu supposed to hate that guy? Of course she secretly prays every night that Bangchan would all of a sudden get caught doing the deed with another girl by Sana but alas Bangchan had proven himself time and time again that he was a loyal and loving boyfriend. 

Somehow, Tzuyu has managed to survive through nearly the entire semester barely seeing Sana. Everyone let's take a minute to praise Tzuyu! And maybe with every passing moment, Tzuyu loses more of her sanity but she's been doing okay in her studies. By okay she means that she's barely passing, but hey, a pass is a pass right!

- - - - -

Tzuyu sits at her desk, just staring at her essay that's due tomorrow. She then hears a knock on her door and snaps out of her reverie, realising that she had been sitting there for god knows how long. 

A tiny voice comes from outside, "Tzutzu? Are you there?"

Sana...? Why was she knocking on her door this late in the evening? Tzuyu walks over to her door and opens it, seeing Sana with a small pout that immediately brightens to a smile the moment the shorter woman sees her.

Sana then wraps her arms around Tzuyu's shoulders, pulling the tall woman into a hug as she mumbles something that Tzuyu can't quite make out.

"Sorry unnie, what did you say?"

"I missed you, Tzutzu," Sana mumbles just loud enough for Tzuyu to hear.

"But I live with you? What's there to miss? We're just one room across each other."

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