Her lil secret

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Sana almost feels like she's dragging Tzuyu to the door. She'll have to kill Nayeon for this later. Tzuyu, who has not stopped giggling since they came out of the car, is wrapped around Sana.

"Last time I'm letting you go out with Nayeon unnie." Sana mumbled under her breath as she watched Tzuyu.

"Lovieeeeeeeeee." Tzuyu giggles as she hiccups.

"Too cute. Maybe I won't kill Nayeon unnie just yet."

Suddenly Sana's grip on Tzuyu tightened as she felt Tzuyu's breath against her ear, "I have a secret!"

"You do?" Sana replied as she manages to put Tzuyu against the wall. "Stay." Tzuyu nods, putting her hand against her forehead as she salutes, "Yes ma'am!"

Sana shakes her head but quickly works on getting the door open before Tzuyu does anything stupid.

"You're so beautiful." Tzuyu's words were slow and slurred but it still managed to make a slight red tint appear on Sana's cheeks. "I have a secret." Tzuyu repeats, giggling and Sana would be lying if she wasn't interested.

"Come on." Sana makes her voice as soft as possible. Arm slung around Sana's shoulder, Tzuyu follows into the house as she hums the tune of the legendary song, Cry for me.

"I have a secret!" Tzuyu rests her head on top of Sana. "A really big one."

"Oh yeah? Are you going to share it with me?" They made it to the bedroom and Sana gently settled her down on their bed, smiling warmly as she watched Tzuyu make sure there was no one else in the room.

"Promise not to tell anyone."

"I won't." Sana promised, kneeling down to remove Tzuyu's shoes.

"Is a really big one. You cannot tell anyone."

"Well, are you going to share it?" Sana sets Tzuyu's shoes aside. Cold hands cupped her face, making her look up to see Tzuyu, eyes glossy from drinking but still sincere and warm.

"I love you," Tzuyu said honestly as she looked into Sana's eyes. "You're my best friend and I know this can ruin things with your stupid wife." Sana laughed out loud upon hearing Tzuyu's words.

"What's so funny? I'm confessing hereeeeee." Tzuyu whines, letting go of Sana just so she could pout and cross her arms angrily.

"You don't like my wife?" Sana asked.

"No! You can do so much better!"

"Like you?"

"Yes! I know you more than anyone else on this planet. Your wife, who isn't even pretty may I add, doesn't know you like I do!" Sana stands watching Tzuyu try to remove her shirt. Failing every time.

"Let me help."

"I don't think your wife would like that." Tzuyu giggles but doesn't stop Sana.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

"Sanaaaaaa, I'm serious. Be with me. I can help with the divorce, I know a good lawyer." Sana shakes her head. Cute, how can Tzuyu be so cute even when she's drunk? Sana took Tzuyu's shirt and pulled it over Tzuyu's head while Tzuyu continues. "We would be such a power couple. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally not a bitch."

Sana manages to take Tzuyu's shirt off and folds it neatly as she places it on the bedside table. Tzuyu, who now has a pout on her face, stares as Sana. Her blinks were slow. She was clearly sleepy.

"You're not listening."

"I'm just thinking." Sana smiles.

"IS THAT A YES? wait..." Tzuyu makes herself stand up, giggling as she stumbled but Sana was there to catch her. Sana watched as Tzuyu very slowly drops to one knee.

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