I'm right here

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It was already past midnight when Tzuyu and Sana decided to sleep. Exhaustion after their tiring schedule consumed them as they fell asleep wrapped in each others arms after a nice shower.

While the brunette was already in deep sleep, hugging the brunette close as usual, the blonde had trouble with falling asleep.

She tossed and turned around in bed with a tensed expression on her face as small beads of sweat started to form on her forehead.

Slowly, she started running out of breath and suddenly the small bedroom became extremely hot. She was having one of those panic attacks.

That was when she heard Tzuyu's soothing but sleepy voice comforting her. It seemed like all her tossing and turning had awoken her girlfriend.

"Sana? Baby are you okay?" Tzuyu tried but didn't get any response from Sana.

"Love?" Tzuyu asked, sitting up and gently shaking her girlfriend beside her, trying her best not to scare Sana.

Suddenly Sana sat up on the bed.

Her breathing was uneven. She kept panting, her eyes were watery and couldn't stop sniffling.

Sana looked at Tzuyu and immediately dived into Tzuyu's arms, holding her tightly, too afraid let Tzuyu go.

"Its alright, my love. I'm here. I'm right here. And I will never let go." Tzuyu cooed as she gently rubbed circles on her girlfriend's back. Being as gentle as possible to calm Sana down, Tzuyu carried her girlfriend onto her lap as she hugged her tight.

Sana's hold on her tightened even more as she buried her head into Tzuyu's neck. Tzuyu felt tears soaking up her T-shirt as she continued rubbing circles on Sana's back. Soon, Sana's breathing started to steady and immediately melted into Tzuyu's embrace.

"Was it one of your panic attacks, darling?" Tzuyu asked, her hand caressing Sana's blonde locks.

Sana still had her eyes shut tight despite having calmed down. She nodded slightly as a response to Tzuyu's question.

"What were you thinking about before your panic attack started, love?"

"I...I was thinking about how happy we both were but then, you suddenly left me and never came back. I ran after you but you just n...never looked back, and-"

"Hey. Hey. Look at me baby." Tzuyu whispered as she gently wiped away another tear while the other hand held onto Sana's waist and pulled her closer.

"You know none of that is going to happen. You already know what I plan to do but I know it still scared you which led to a panic attack. But love, I'm right here. Nothing is going to take me from you. I won't allow it. I won't allow anything to separate us okay, love? Not even the universe can separate us because my love for you is even bigger and greater than the universe."

Tzuyu then pulled Sana away from her neck and leaned her forehead against her girlfriend's, hands gently stroking Sana's cheeks. "You're stuck with me. Always, because I plan on making you my Mrs Chou. Even death can't separate us because I will find you in our next life no matter what and make you mine."

Sana's breathing slowly got better and she was no longer crying.

"Are you alright now love?" Tzuyu asked while she pulled back and looked at Sana.

Sana nodded, "Yeah. I feel better now."

"Thank you so much Tzutzu. So very very much." Sana mumbled as she gave Tzuyu a kiss on her lips.

"Always, I'll be here whenever you need me to." Tzuyu said as she kissed back, smiling into the kiss.

"Is it okay for you to go back to sleep?" Tzuyu asked, her fingertips fixing the messing strands of blonde hair for Sana.

"Yeah, can you just hold me a little tighter?"

Tzuyu chuckled before giving Sana another kiss on the lips and hugging her tighter as she was asked to do.

" Fo you, always."

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