Colours (Part 3)

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With her newly appointed girlfriend in tow, Sana skipped towards the bus stop, the adrenaline from the confession and kiss was still coursing through her veins. As soon as they reached the bus stop, the bus arrived.

"What perfect timing!" Sana giggled, only to be pulled back a millisecond after by Tzuyu who was apologising to the bus driver for making him stop. As the bus drove away, Sana looked back at Tzuyu, confusion evident on her face, "Why'd you stop me?"

Tzuyu bent down a bit to Sana's eye level, "Do you even know where I live, unnie?"

Only then did Sana remember that Tzuyu had intended for them to go to her apartment and mumbled a little 'Oh!'. Tzuyu let out a chuckle and pulled Sana away from the bus stop and to a black Porsche which was coated in specks of white. Tzuyu held the door open for Sana to get in before she rushed over to the driver's seat, buckling herself in.

The drive to Tzuyu's apartment was a whole discovery for Sana as she found out that Tzuyu was staying in the much wealthier part of Seoul which had skyscrapers everywhere. Seeing the look of shock on Sana's face, Tzuyu launched into a rough explanation, "My parents own a chain of clinics and a business in Taiwan. They just recently opened up another branch in Korea which I'm in charge of."

"A business branch in Korea?" 

"Yeah, since I came to Korea to finish up my studies. They felt that someone who was much more familiar with how things were handled in Korea should take care of the branch here which meant me so here I am. They could've given this branch to my brother who also happened to graduate here but that drunkard is nowhere to be seen. He's been missing since a few years back, only coming back to get more money to fuel his gambling and drinking habits. Fucking bastard," Tzuyu cursed, stopping at the red light. Sana reached her hand over to pat Tzuyu on the knee, as a comforting gesture. Tzuyu shot a smile at Sana before taking the right turn as the light shone green.

"So my soulmate's not only hot but also a rich CEO?"

Tzuyu smirked, pulling over at an empty spot in the empty carpark of a condominium, "That's right, Ms Minatozaki."

With that Tzuyu opened the passenger door and offered her hand which Sana took as she stepped out of the vehicle. They walked hand-in-hand into the elevator, Tzuyu pressing the highest floor, the penthouse, after tapping a white card on the scanner.

"Did you always want to become a doctor?" Tzuyu asked as they rode the elevator. Sana looked at her reflection on the elevator doors before answering, "Mhm. Ever since I watched my mother die on the bed in the emergency ward because the doctor had administered the wrong injection due to his nervousness, I knew I wanted to become a doctor...a competent one who didn't panic after seeing a patient who was on the brink of death. However, when I saw you on the bed, bleeding until your bed was crimson red, I froze for the very first time. I was so scared for you, so scared that I would be the cause of my soulmate's death because of any minor movement. My mind was blank and I wanted to cry seeing you in that state. Thankfully, Jihyo managed to snap me out of whatever my mind was in."

The elevator dinged, signalling that they had arrived at Tzuyu's floor. The doors opened to a magnificent penthouse with high ceilings and large windows. There was a large pillow fort in the middle of the living room, in front of the television. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, unnie," Tzuyu wrapped Sana up in a hug after stepping out of the elevator. "It's alright. I'm alright, Tzu. I've come to terms with my mother's death. My dad would always tell me that she would've been proud of who I've become. I know she's in a better place now," A small grin made its appearance on the older girl's face, "Enough about my past. We came here to have fun!"

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