The pictures

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"MOMORING I NEED YOUR HELP!" Sana screamed at her bestfriend through the phone as she paces back and forth in her room not knowing where to begin.

"Please don't tell me our kitchen is burning," Momo says jokingly, but still worried, recalling the day that squirrel had almost burned down their dorm room (Sana decided to put foil in a microwave). She had to pause their meeting and rush to the dorms to make sure that Sana is alive and not fried.

"That was a one time thing!" Sana whines at Momo's remark.

"Alright, what do you want?" Momo gives in deciding to help the poor blonde.

"ImayormaynothaveinvitedTzuyutoasleepover," Sana rambled, so quickly that Eminem would be threatened by how fast she said it.

"Could you repeat that please," Momo requested, confusion laced in her voice.

"I may or may not have invited Tzuyu to a sleepover," Sana repeated, this time more clearly.

"Did she say yes or no? Come on Satang, I need details!" Momo grunts, losing her patience.

The blonde lowers her phone from her ear and double-checks Tzuyu's response.

She said yes.

Sana jumps up and down (once again) from excitement, almost tripping. She throws herself onto the bed, squealing and kicking her feet in the air, forgetting about her best friend on the other line.

"Sana!" Momo calls out, regaining Sana's attention.

Oh right.

"Momoring! She said yes!"

A cheer could be heard coming from the other side of the line, Momo was clapping and hyping her best friend up.

"So why do you need my help?"

"What do I wear?"

Momo facepalms at her best friend's question. Sana is a student that can pass exams with flying colours without studying and yet she fails to solve problems that require common sense, at least that's what Momo thinks.

"Satang, what did you invite her to?" Momo asks firmly, trying knock some sense into the girl.

"A sleepover. Momoring, I just told you this minutes ago and you already forgot?"

Mono furrows her eyebrows, resisting the urge to slam her head against the table.

"A sleepover where?" Momo continues.

"At our dorm room?" Sana answers slowly, not really knowing where the conversation is going.

"Now combine the two things that you said."

Momo swears that she just might disown Sana if she doesn't get the hint.

"A sleepover at our dorm room."

"Do you get the hint now?"


Sana whines as Momo ends the phone call. She tries to call her again but the latter isn't picking up. Instead, she gets a text from Momo.

momoring<3 - 3.59 p.m

satang<3 - 3.59 p.m
well no shit but i have to look pretty:(

momoring<3 - 4.00 p.m
i'll be staying at nabong's room for the night

momoring<3 - 4.00 p.m

It's about 4pm and Sana has about 30 minutes to mentally prepare herself for the arrival of Chou Tzuyu. It's a lot harder because she's be all by herself. Knowing Momo, she purposely used her 'Captain of the volleyball team' card as an excuse to leave the two alone.

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