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A flash of light cut across the darkness. Lightning struck and the growling thunder followed, causing the vibrations to echo through her chest. Sana woke up and covered her ears as another wave passed the distant sky, though it felt like it was right above them. The rain hit the glass windows sharply and leaves rustled violently against the strong winds. The storm was brewing earlier that day but Sana had hoped it wouldn't lead to this deafening thunder.

Sana tried burying her head under the pillows, pushing them against her ears, trying to dull the sounds. It didn't help much. She sighed and looked around their room. Everyone seemed unbothered and was still deeply asleep. It had been about 2 minutes since the last round of thunder. There must still be some time before another one comes along.

Sana got up and shuffled her way through the dimly lit hallway, clutching her pillow tightly to her chest, hoping the next wave wouldn't come as she was walking.

A soft creak on the door hinges barely made their way to Sana's ears as the rain and winds overpowered any other sound from the inside. She peered into the Maknaes' room to check if the youngest girls were sound asleep. They, too, remained unmoving and unbothered by the chaos outside.

If only the smell of rain water hitting the ground calmed her enough during the thunderstorm, she wouldn't have to be so scared. Sana needed someone to keep her anxiety at bay, to tell her everything will be alright. She always found comfort in Tzuyu, who was always soft for Sana, despite her usual sarcastic quips. While she was the youngest in the group, the girl had a certain maturity that made Sana feel like she was the younger between the two. She too had a soft spot for Tzuyu, always hugging her and giving her small kisses on the cheeks. She loved being around Tzuyu and talking to her about anything that came to her mind. Tzuyu was always the quiet one but Sana always believed she brought out her talkative side.

Sana walked over to Tzuyu's bed, nudged the side of her body and whispered, "Tzuyu-ah."

Tzuyu mumbled something under her breath and rolled over to face the other side, wrapping herself tighter in her blanket. Sana pouted cutely but unfortunately no one was there to witness it.

"Tzuyu-ah!" Sana whispered louder. She received a "hmm?" from Tzuyu, "Can I stay with you tonight?"

She turned to face Sana now, still half asleep (more like three quarters asleep) and scooted over to make room for her and opened up her blanket to keep them both warm in this cold rainy night.

"Is it the thunder?" Tzuyu asked sleepy as she wrapped her arm around Sana's waist. It was uncommon for Tzuyu to be touchy since Sana's affectionate gestures more than sufficed. Maybe it was because of her semi-conscious state or the night weariness making her more vulnerable or just the warmth-seeking intuition of her muscles. Regardless, Sana enjoyed being the object of Tzuyu's affectionate side a little bit too much.

Sana had her back against Tzuyu's body in an all too comfortable distance (if there was any distance at all), feeling her slow, conscious breaths against her neck.

"Yeah," Sana said quietly, "I can't get back to sleep."

Lightning struck and the thunder bellowed strongly after. Sana tensed under Tzuyu's embrace and covered her ears till the sounds stopped, her heart racing as she held her breath. Tzuyu finally snapped awake as she felt Sana's body react to the thunder with fear.

"She really is scared," Tzuyu thought. She wondered how she could make Sana feel better, to calm her nerves enough for her to fall into a deep sleep.

As if a light bulb flashed above her head competing against the bright strike of lightning, she had an idea. Tzuyu let go of her embrace on Sana's waist and placed her hand on the older's chest instead, much to Sana's surprise. It was most definitely not calming at that instance.

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