Rivalry? (II)

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Some details were fuzzy for Sana and Tzuyu, neither had a set of reasons why they kept up their little trysts and sure it kept things interesting at work, but what had started as a hate-fueled way to get their anger out had continued for over a year.

The only detail they agreed on was that they had both instigated it.

"Attorney Minatozaki? Do you need anything else tonight?"
Sana lifted her head and saw Yeji in the office doorway with her knuckle just perched above the door to knock.

She shook her head and gave her a kind smile to wave her off.
"I'm fine. You should get out of here while there's still some sunlight left, thank you for covering for me last week."

She barely hears the younger woman wish her a good night before she's gone, and the sounds of keyboards and mouse clicks have died down—the office is now empty and void of voices and young attorneys excitedly chatting about their weekend plans.

Sana intends to spend her entire weekend in this very spot.
She'd only been gone a week, but the mountain of memos and documents left for her would certainly not get themselves done over the weekend.

She picked the one from the top and opened it, starting to gather her thoughts, she placed various markers and post-it notes along the pages, sifting through with a trained eye.
Sana spared a glance at her computer screen and realized it had been three hours, and her eyes were starting to close.
Thankfully, there was a convenience store right around the corner from the office, and she had relied on them many times for caffeine when she stayed late like this.

She grabbed her wallet and slipped out of the office. The floor was now dark save for a few desk lamps, and she could make out the familiar glow of Attorney Chou's office lights at the end of the hall.

The dull sound of classical music came from the attorney's space when she passed and she rolled her eyes at the choice.
The night was misty and the sky was slightly overcast due to the spring rain they'd been getting early in the week. A few interns were gathered outside the building, planning where to start their bar hopping that night when they noticed Sana and stopped to bow their heads.

"Good evening, Attorney Minatozaki," One of the girls chirped, waving enthusiastically at her.

Sana frowned at the group, "What are you still doing here so late?"

The law student shrugged and exchanged a few glances with others. "Attorney Chou usually doesn't let us leave earlier than 9pm on Fridays," She said it so casually that Sana wondered if she was the weird one for not making her interns stay past six o'clock on a Friday.

"Typical," Sana muttered under her breath before nodding respectfully with a wide smile, "Have a good rest of your night and weekend."

The interns watched her go, hopping over puddles to avoid them as she turned the corner to the store.

When the doorbell jingled, announcing her arrival, the cashier didn't bother to raise his head from where it was perched on his hand, hunched over the counter, watching some drama on his phone.

She made her way to the back quickly and grabbed an ice cup and a hazelnut coffee pack, her hand stopping to hover over the row of energy drinks.

It had been years since she'd had one, not her second year of law school-not since Jihyo.

Sana had switched entirely to coffee and other forms of caffeine, the memory that these energy drinks carried proving to be too much for her heart then, perhaps forever.


She shook her head and tried to dispel thoughts of her pathetic life, angered with herself over the fact that a simple canned drink could make her heart drop into her stomach after all this time.

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