The bet (1)

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"Let go."

Tzuyu's brows jump. Her fingers grip tighter around the backrest of the wooden chair. She flashes a defiant smirk, liking the effect it has on Sana, "No."

A groan leaves Sana's mouth. "I was here first," the older girl argues and yanks the chair towards herself, which causes Tzuyu to stumble with it. However, to Sana's dismay, the younger girl does not let the chair go.

"Well, I touched it first," Tzuyu pulls the chair back in her direction, scoffing when Sana grabs onto it with both her hands, ready to pull the chair away from the younger girl's grasp.

"No fair! I'm only using one hand."

Sana rolls her eyes, "Then up your game, loser."

At Sana's retort, Tzuyu makes a great show of holding onto the seat with her other hand. "Surely, you can go find another chair around here," Tzuyu adds, almost condescendingly, "Or you can just take a seat on the floor over there. You won't care that much, right, Shasha?"

"Don't call me that," Sana hisses, glaring at the cause of all her problems, "As a matter of fact, I do and will care."

Tzuyu snorts, "Don't, then. Makes both of our lives easier."

Scowling, Sana tries tugging the chair again, to which Tzuyu counters by steeling herself to disable Sana's attempt. The cycle repeats a good four to five times before Tzuyu simply loosens her hold and sends Sana tumbling backwards into a few people.

Sana's eyes carry fire as she spits out, "You asshole."

Tzuyu feigns horror, moving to sit down in the chair she fought hard for, before a shit-eating grin creeps up to her face. "How flattering," Tzuyu waves a dismissive hand, "Now scurry along, peasant."

"I hate everything about you."

A hum. Tzuyu leans into her chair, "Tell me something I don't know, darling."

Sana pauses to let out a long, loud grunt before complaining, "You're literally so annoying. I don't get how someone could be this annoying when they're pushing 23 this year. Honestly, grow up. Like, actually, grow up. You're basically an adult. You can't be acting this childish in your twenties."

Tzuyu is thoroughly amused, to say the least. There's this smirk playing on her lips when she hears Sana's little rant, "You know you're pushing 27, too. Don't single me out."

"Um, yeah, next year," Sana scoffs, offended. She turns her head to glare at Tzuyu, "Meanwhile, you're turning 23 in, like, a month."

The smirk that's been tugging at Tzuyu's lips grows wider, prominent even in the dim lighting, "So you remember my birthday! That's so sweet of you."

Sana thwacks her in the leg, "Because you never shut up about it, dumbass."

"And you memorised it in the end," Tzuyu stresses, "You're so awfully sweet, Sana unnie. If it makes you feel better, I remember your birthday, too."

Another grunt is accompanied by an eye roll. Sana crosses her arms over her chest, "I hate being in your presence so much. Even better, I hate your existence. Your mother could have migrated with you anywhere else in the world but she chose here, anyway. And now I have to deal with you every day."

Tzuyu raises an eyebrow as she wraps her arms around the shorter girl's waist, "You have quite the nerve to be complaining about me when you're sitting on my lap, you know."

Sana bristles as she leans back into Tzuyu, "There's nowhere else to sit!

Afterwards, silence engulfs them as Sana pulls out her phone while Tzuyu starts on the Biology paper her teacher had assigned as homework. Not long after, Tzuyu gets elbowed when she least expects it. "Oomph– What was that for?!" Tzuyu screeches, rubbing her stomach to ease the pain inflicted on her by Sana's unnecessarily hard jab.

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