Our neighbour. The really really hot one.

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"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Dahyun basically yells into the phone, making Tzuyu flinch, "Why do you always fall ill whenever I'm not around?"

"It's not like I get to choose when I get sick," Tzuyu whines, "It's nothing anyway, it's just a little fever. Maybe because I was in the rain for a little too long that day—"


"I was trying to save someone's puppy!"

"Oh...okay, that's justifiable. Wait, whose puppy were you trying to save?"

"Our neighbour. The really really hot one."

"Oh," Dahyun drawls and though Tzuyu couldn't see her face, she could clearly hear the teasing tone in her voice, "The one that you're head over heels for? No wonder."

"I'm not head over heels for her," Tzuyu scoffs, "I was just trying to be a good person."

"Yeah, yeah, a good person alright. Wait till Chaeng hears this."

From the tone Dahyun was using, Tzuyu could tell that she was rolling her eyes behind the phone, "You sure are a good person when you tried cutting my hair with a pair of arts and crafts scissors because you thought it was too uneven."

"You're still mad about it?" Tzuyu groans, "I was six. What...you expect a literal child to understand what's wrong and what's right? I was immature."

"Still are," Dahyun snorts and Tzuyu just sighs, "Seriously though, take care of yourself. I'll call you every few hours to make sure you're okay."

"Awwww, Dahyunnie cares about me? That's a first."

"No, you dumbass, I don't trust you in being alone in the house while sick. What if you die or something?"

"I'm not that irresponsible."

"I had to force you to come out of your room to eat when you were in that gaming obsessed phase because you got influenced by Mina unnie, Tzuyu, don't play with me."

"Okay, mom, I'll see you then," Tzuyu smiles and she hangs up before Dahyun could say anything else.

Just as she hangs up, snickering, her phone vibrates indicating that someone sent a message.

musically inclined genius but is a bigass loser when it comes to momo unnie

dont u dare hang up on me ever again


tallass that would bark for our neighbour anyday

okay mother dearest

musically inclined genius but is a bigass loser when it comes to momo unnie


tallass that would bark for our neighbour anyday


musically inclined genius but is a bigass loser when it comes to momo unnie


Tzuyu smiles to herself as she lies back down, feeling the fever creep back to her. She presses her palm to her forehead and winces a little. She didn't remember her temperature getting that high.

Tzuyu gets off her bed, deciding to head downstairs to grab a glass of water and maybe a few snacks. Dahyun had forbidden her from drinking or eating anything unhealthy while she's having a fever but Dahyun wasn't here, so what could she do?

Just stay in bed and rest or I'm going to find a way to beat your ass, Dahyun had said but Tzuyu just brushed it off. Dahyun's three states away and it wasn't like there were security cameras in the house anyway. They were far too expensive for two broke, fresh-out-of-college kids who get paid minimum wage.

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