The sunflower (4)

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Soon, Monday arrived and Tzuyu had to eat her lunch alone as Dahyun and Chaeyoung needed to finish up the assignment they had tried ignoring for the past two months and were trying to finish it up in two days. She almost pitied them when she saw their chaotic state before going out for lunch but then realized that they had brought it upon themselves and proceeded to brush off the sympathy she felt for them. Although she and Sana were best friends aside from being best friends with Dahyun and Chaeyoung, the whole school knew that they didn't eat lunch together. Usually, Sana would eat with Momo and Mina since the three of them shared the same class. So it came as a surprise for Tzuyu, making her look up from her beloved bread, when she heard the chair across her scraping along the floor and Sana taking a seat.

"Hey, cutie," Sana greeted Tzuyu with an endearing smile before placing her tray on the table.

"What are you doing here?" Tzuyu blinked as she registered the fact that the goddess of her life, Minatozaki Sana, was about to have lunch with her. Tzuyu's eyes darted over to Sana's usual table and saw Momo and Mina sitting there, waving at her. Then she looked at Bangchan's table beside Sana's best friends and saw the guy at the table with his own group of friends, a dejected look on his face which could be seen from miles away.

"Why me? Why not Bangchan oppa?" Tzuyu asked yet again, confusion in her voice after observing the cafeteria.

Sana frowned at that and retorted, "Why would I eat with him?"

"Weren't you two together? I don't really want your boyfriend thinking that I stole his girlfriend away," Tzuyu asked timidly and suddenly her bread was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Well if you didn't go avoiding me for the whole week, you would've known that we aren't together," Sana smirked.

Tzuyu lifted her head and whined at the reminder, "I already apologized for it! Stop bringing it up!"

"It's fun to remind about you being a jerk for the whole week," Sana teased before she reached over and tore a small piece of Tzuyu's bread. Tzuyu grinned when Sana's nose scrunched up in disgust after eating the small piece. "I will never ever understand why you love this so much. It's so plain," Sana shuddered.

"Even though it's plain, it gives me a sense of familiarity," Tzuyu muttered, "Changes scare me." The words she had just said seemed like she was referring to the nuggets but at the same time to something entirely different as she fixed her gaze on Sana, watching the older girl furrow her brows adorably as she tried to unwrap her sandwich. Tzuyu didn't exactly remember when it all started but she found everything Sana did extremely endearing, like right now.

Tzuyu felt her heart stop when Sana unexpectedly looked up and met her gaze, eyes twinkling before putting half of her sandwich into Tzuyu's hand. "You'll never know unless you try, Tzutzu," Sana beamed. Tzuyu looks down at her hand momentarily then back up to meet Sana's eyes, holding their gaze as she nodded, "You're right. Maybe I  should give it a try."

- - - - -

[7.40am] From: the loml

i think im down with the flu tzutzu :(

and im all alone in my dorm because minari and momoring are busy with their extra curricular activities:(

tzutzuuuuuu :(

Tzuyu could barely open her eyes when she received the text but immediately sprung out of her bed. As soon as she registered whatever Sana had sent her, all the remaining traces of sleepiness disappeared from her system and she fumbled with her phone as she called Sana.

It only took the first ring before Sana picked up the phone and a hoarse voice greeted Tzuyu.

"Hello? Wha-"

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