Little Chou

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Tzuyu is pacing back and forth in front of the delivery room. Her mom and mother-in-law are currently inside joining Sana while she gives birth. If only she could be braver and joined her wife inside, she wouldn't be a nervous mess and annoying the hell out of Chaeyoung and Dahyun, her best friends. She knows that if she's inside she would faint even before Sana could. She couldn't bare the sight of her wife hurting while giving birth.

2 hours ago, amidst of the busy photoshoot with ZOOC, one frantic call from her mom made her leave everything and rushed in the hospital. Soon after, the rest of Twice arrived at the hospital. Now all of them are waiting for Sana and the baby to come out.

Everybody had their breaths on hold when they heard
Sana's shout as she gave her last push, then soon after there was deafening silence which was pierced by the cry of a newborn baby. The tears that Chou Tzuyu have been holding flowed like a river. She hugged Chaeyoung and Dahyun (since they were the closest to her), their dads and the rest of Twice congratulated her.

A doctor came out from the delivery room followed by
Tzuyu's mother who was also crying.

"Congratulations Mrs Chou! Your wife and daughter would be ready in a moment. We're just going to transfer them in a private room" The doctor informed Tzuyu.

"Thank you very much doctor," Tzuyu said between her sobs.

Not long after, a nurse came to tell Tzuyu that Sana and her child were already waiting for her in their room and Tzuyu ran to the room as fast as she could just to see her child and wife. As soon as she entered the room, Tzuyu saw her child in a little bed beside Sana. She slowly approached the bed with a huge smile on her face as she looked at her daughter sleeping peacefully in the little bed.

As Tzuyu neared the bed, the nurse quietly encouraged her, "You can carry your daughter if you want, Mrs Chou."

Tzuyu nodded her head so vigorously just to imply that she really wanted to carry her child. The nurse then carefully picked up the littlest Chou out of the bed and placed her gently into Tzuyu's arms. Sensing the change in surroundings, the littlest Chou slowly opened her eyes, looked around and immediately nuzzled her head into Tzuyu's chest which made Tzuyu's heart burst with the amount of love she had for her baby. "

"Hi there little one," Tzuyu said as she cradles her new born baby.

"I don't know if I'll be a good mama, but I'lI try my best to give you and your mommy everything in life. Did you give your mommy a hard time? She's still sleeping," Tzuyu keeps on talking to her baby not noticing that Sana was awake the entire time.

"You'll be a great mama, darling," Sana assured Tzuyu.

"Love-" Tzuyu slowly and carefully walk near the bed and kissed her wife on the forehead, her voice starting to crack, along with the tears that wanted to come out. She felt a lump on her throat seeing her wife awake after hours of delivery.

"Thank you so much love, you did amazing. Look, she's so beautiful, just like you!" Tzuyu exclaimed. She sat down beside Sana on the bed while they admire the little beauty that was just introduced to the world.

"You had your fair share, her forehead and eyes looks just like yours," Sana said as she pointed it out, "Her ears do too! I gave birth to a baby yoda!"

Tzuyu chuckled at this before she added, "Bet she'll have a lot of people in a chokehold especially girls when she grows up," Tzuyu stated, overcoming her emotions and starting to become playful and proud.

"Eh?" Sana raised her eye brows at Tzuyu.

"Hehe, nothing love!"

The little human then frowned as she heard her parents' playful banter.

"Aww Minju, baby, we are just joking," Sana cooed at her little girl.

"Minju?" asked Tzuyu.

"Mhm. Chou Minju!" Sana proudly said.

"I like it! Hi Minju!" Tzuyu happily waved as she played with her daughter's little hands.

It was the picture of a happy family. Something that Chou Tzuyu can call perfect.

Interrupting their family time was a clueless nurse who's only task was to inform and help Sana about the baby's and her's hourly hospital routine.

"Feeding time," the nurse announced.

Sana then looked at Tzuyu, her eyes asking the younger girl to go out of the room first.

"Why?" Tzuyu asked clueless as to why her wife was suddenly asking her to get out.

"I'm going to feed the baby so please get out," Sana shyly whispered.

The nurse awkwardly stands near the bed ready to assist the blonde woman. That was the time Tzuyu realized what was about to happen. She smiled and then gave Sana and Minju a little kiss on their foreheads.

"I've seen that it before love, multiple times. Why are you so shy hm?" Tzuyu asked, not minding the nurse present in the room.

And as if she did not see how Chou Sana blush, Tzuyu continued teasing her cute wife.

"Eat well baby. I can ensure you that it'll taste spectacular! I love you!" Tzuyu said and gave Sana a wink before she goes out of the door.

"Yah! You pervert!" Tzuyu heard Sana harshly whisper which made her laugh.

"Oh! I'lI see you later my loves!" Tzuyu peeked at the door before she happily skips away, maybe to get some food for her and Sana. While all their members and parents were been witnessing the cute scene that was happening in the hospital room a few minutes ago.

"I have never seen Tzuyu cry that much-" Nayeon then stated.

"She just got her first child. So it's very obvious that she would cry." Jeongyeon told her wife.

"Just like you when you got your first kid, hyung!" Chaeyoung exclaimed which made Mina chuckle and intertwine their fingers together.

"Dahyunie...I want a child too!" Momo said as she reached for Dahyun's hands. Dahyun flashed Momo a huge smile before she said, "I've been waiting for you to tell me this since the day I heard that Tzuyu and Sana were going to have a child!"

A new life awaits for them and for Sana and Tzuyu. Tzuyu is excited but at the same time nervous. They said good things comes in small packages and Chou Minju, her daughter, is the best one yet.

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