It's snowing

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"Love? Why'd you leave the bed for?" Tzuyu asked as she let out a yawn, signaling that it was barely morning.

Tzuyu walked to the window sitting next to her wife, planting a soft kiss on her cheek as a 'good morning'

"Look! It's snowing!" Sana exclaimed happily. Her rosy cheeks and cold skin appeared as the air grew colder.

She puts her hand on the window, almost as if she was feeling the snow from the other side of the wall, desperately wanting to touch the snow.

"It's so pretty!" she continued, memorized by the snow that was falling outside.

"Mhm." Tzuyu mumbled, rubbing her face into the brunette's neck as she tried to keep herself warm. Hugging Sana from behind as she held her comfortably.

Before she could fall asleep once more, the older girl quickly dashed out of the bedroom and grabbed her coat along the way.

"What- Hey! Wait up, Sana!" The blonde yelled after her, grabbing her coat while following her wife out of the house and into the cold snowy morning.

Once Tzuyu closed the door on her way out, she turned around and saw the most beautiful sight.

She'll never get tired of seeing Sana.

The brunette was cheerfully playing with the snow, making snow angels in their small front yard.

Even in the early morning, Sana was beaming and had a lot energy inside of her.

"Look Tzutzu! The snowflakes!" Sana called for Tzuyu, as she caught a snowflake in her hand.

"Huh?- Hey!" Tzuyu was about to walk over to Sana's side but before she could, a snowball landed right at her.

The younger girl smirked, "So that's how you want to play?
You're on!" She yelled after the brunette , quickly making a snowball before throwing it at her.

Both of them were laughing loudly as they gathered snowballs and continuously threw them at each other. Both of them suddenly gained energy on a snowy morning.

"Come help me make a snowman!" Sana said while they were gasping for air, tired after the little snowball fight they just had.

So as the couple made the snowman, they put a lot of effort into making it. Tzuyu even ran all the way back into the kitchen to get a carrot for its nose, just because her wife asked her to.

They helped each other roll the snow, creating three big snowballs and stacking them on top of each other, creating the perfect snowman.

Even though it was barely morning and not to mention, freezing, it was perfect to spend time with each other like this.

"Look at how cute it is!" Sana clapped happily as she finished putting the sticks as arms on the sides.

"We did a good job." Tzuyu responded. "I think I should get a kiss for my reward. Don't you think? I actually ran back inside the house just to get a carrot when we could have left the snowman nose-less." She remarked.

"Hmm... I don't know..." Sana teased the younger girl, giggling as she saw the pout on her significant other's lips.

"Pleaseeeee!" Tzuyu whines.

"I did a good job, didn't I? I want my kiss, please." She continues to whine and pout, all while being extremely cute.

How could Sana resist?

"Okay okay, you big baby." Eventually, the brunette agreed, after Tzuyu whined for an entire minute. Cupping her wife's fluffy cheeks with her cold hands, Sana finally kissed Tzuyu.

Tzuyu's arms went around the older girl's torso and pulled her closer. This wasn't just any ordinary kiss, but one that was shared in the snow, full of love. Tzuyu tightens her hold on Sana, creating some warmth between them in the cold winter morning. They eventually pulled away, foreheads still pressed together as they laughed brightly.

"Let's go back inside. I want to make some hot chocolate."
Sana told Tzuyu as she placed her hands on Tzuyu's shoulder.

Tzuyu then carried Sana in bridal-style, resulting in a surprised squeak from the older girl. "Whatever you want, my love." Tzuyu smiled once more as she looked at the woman in her arms lovingly.

Even if it's winter and snowy outside. Even if she was freezing to death, Tzuyu wouldn't have it any other way. If she had to spend all her days with her wife in the snow, she would.

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