Kiss it better!

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The first strike was probably a ridiculous one.

"Honestly, Tzu," Sana mutters, pressing the icepack gently on Tzuyu's forehead.

"In my defence, it was extremely dark!" Tzuyu exclaims in defense, "Plus, that power outage incident with Dahyunnie still scares me to this day!"

Sana scowls as she pulled the icepack back to see the red patch of skin slowly turning into a noticeable dark purple. She can hear Tzuyu cursing in pain and feels the younger girl's hands tightening their hold on her waist. The way Tzuyu somehow finds herself with a new cut or bruise nowadays never surprises her anymore but it doesn't scare her any less.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not dizzy anymore?"

"I'm fine now. It just hurts a lot," Tzuyu groans at the dull ache that seemed to be hammering down on her forehead, "At least we know the bunk beds are sturdy enough."

It was currently three in the morning, definitely a horrible hour to be awake when they had a group schedule about two hours away and they had to get as much sleep as they could, but here they were, in the bathroom in their shared apartment, tending to the bruise that Tzuyu had given to herself. Sana could still recall when she woke up, which was only a few minutes ago, to something colliding against the bunk bed's frame with a loud thud. She quickly slides off the bed to turn the lights on and sees Tzuyu on the floor while clutching her head.

"What were you doing up, anyway?" Sana's tone was a mix of irritation and worry; Tzuyu couldn't tell.

"I was thirsty, so I got up to get some water," Tzuyu explained, then points over to the dark living room, "Then I swear I saw something move there!"

Sana gives her a blank look, "Really?"

"I got scared, okay? Again, I still get flashes of Dahyunnie looking like a ghost," Tzuyu shudders lightly and shakes her head, then winces at the pain, "I hurried back to bed and I guess I underestimated how low I need to duck."

Tzuyu could only smile sheepishly at her girlfriend, well secret girlfriend because no one else in their group knew they were dating, who sighs in response.

"This is why we shouldn't let you have any chocolate milk before bed. Your imagination is all over the place."

"It wasn't my imagination!"

"Alright, but as you can see," Sana motions to the space around them, "There is nobody else here but us. Come on now, let's go back to sleep."

She pulls back the icepack once more, and sure enough, the dark bruise was there. Tzuyu was going to have a rough time trying to explain that to their makeup artists later on. A wave of sleepiness washes up to her, so she puts the icepack back in the freezer and leads the younger girl back inside their room.

Sana waits for Tzuyu to get into bed first before shutting off the lights. She slips into Tzuyu's bed a few seconds later, making sure to feel for the bed frame first before doing so. Tzuyu immediately pulls her close which automatically made Sana bury her face into the younger girl's neck. Though Sana was sleepy enough, she didn't want to drift off knowing that her girlfriend was still awake and in pain.

"Does it hurt a lot?"

Tzuyu hums against the crown of her head then pulls her head back to look at Sana. The room wasn't entirely dark and Tzuyu could see the worried expression etched on the older girl's face.

"It feels as if a polar bear sat on me before trying to snap my head in half!" Tzuyu exclaimed, "But I'll be fine. I think you're rubbing off on me. Ever since we got together, I've been getting injured way more than I can count."

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