Sana is in love

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Sana is in love.

Well, that's nothing new. Sana is always in love. She's in love with the birds that sing a song every single time she emerges from her room at five in the morning, despite not having gotten a wink of sleep. She's in love with the way Momo's face lights up when she comes back to their room with celebratory food, even though they both failed major exams that day. She's in love even with the most inconvenient of things — like that one time Nayeon spilled coffee all over her English notes or how Jihyo berates her for not cleaning up after herself when they finish eating dinner at the dorms.

Sana is in love.

But this time, it's with the tall, quiet girl who always falls asleep in the library every Wednesday afternoon.

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"Look at her," Sana whines to Momo, "She's so adorable."

Momo barely looks up from her notes or from what Sana assumes to be her notes. Momo hardly ever studies. Maybe she's just doodling all over the pages, the way she always does during her classes. "And you're staring again," Momo says, "like a total creep, if you don't mind me saying Satang."

"I'm not a creep," Sana grumbles under her breath, affronted by the suggestion. The two of them are in the library, as they always are every Wednesday afternoon. Back then, it was simply a way to meet up and gossip over their subjects or some high school friends they're still in touch with. But ever since Sana laid eyes on that girl — the tall one whose face is so perfectly crafted into a neutral state that Sana wonders what it would be like if she saw her smile — the library meet-ups turned into spying sessions.

The pretty girl usually sits alone a few tables away from their designated areas. She never brings anything else except for her laptop. Sana has watched her so many times that her routine is engraved in her mind. The girl always arrives first, having propped open her laptop to start studying for exams or maybe to do some light reading. Then after a few minutes of staring at the screen, the girl's eyes always flutter close and she ends up falling asleep while seated, her posture only slouching slightly as she succumbs to sleep. Sana loves watching her doze off (and no, Momoring, it's not creepy — it's cute - quoted from Sana) because the girl's beauty shines through.

If the girl is already so beautiful without doing anything, how much more if she's smiling? Or laughing? She looks like she has a pretty laugh. Sana has always liked pretty people.

"Maybe you should be like a normal person," Momo tells her, sneaking a donut from her bag and taking a bite, "and try to talk to her. Ask for her name, maybe even a date later on. Is that so hard?" The last few words are muffled by the food in her mouth.

It's not hard. Sana has always been so friendly with people but for some reason, she finds herself shying away from the prospect of even talking to the object of her affections. Maybe it's because of that piercing stare or the brooding aura or the fact that Sana doesn't really know what the girl might even say to her. The entire pretty girl image would be absolutely ruined if she ends up being a bitch in the end.

Besides, it's fun to watch from afar. Pretty people are always prettier up close. But Sana wants to wait this one out, observe a bit more. Maybe she wants to capture the unguarded beauty first before it springs into something more.

"Soon," is all that Sana tells Momo. Then she brings her attention back to her notes, letting out a deep sigh at the thought of diving back into the world of medicine all over again. But, she thinks to herself, sneaking another glance at the pretty girl starting to doze off in her seat, at least the view is nice.

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Sana is in love with college.

Well, as much as anybody can be in love with college, considering the amount of workload that she has to juggle on a daily basis. Two upcoming exams, an essay that's already due tonight, some extracurricular activities that she has to attend, Momo telling her to buy some food on the way back home and even the two dogs that she has to walk on the days her best friend and roommate, Momo, is too busy to do so. While Sana loves keeping busy, sometimes the toll on her physical and mental health can be draining. And sometimes, all she wants is to slink into her bed, curl up with her blankets and fall asleep to the sound of Momo making a cup of coffee and grumbling under her breath about how it's too bitter.

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