Hero or villain?

585 46 13

Sana's apartment is on the fifteenth floor of a high rise building. She has a shitty single-counter kitchen and a 2-seater "dining table" shoved in next to the trash can. She doesn't have a television since she decided to spend the money on worthier causes, instead, the rest of her shoebox studio is taken up by a tiny bathroom, a bed and her workbench.

It's small, sure, but it's Sana's. She bought it in a dubious financial deal two years ago and ever since it's been a labour of love keeping it functional. However, her finances this month are shaky, mostly because she keeps having to fix her single window. Her single window that keeps getting broken. Now, it wasn't Sana's fault that her window always gets broken, in fact, Sana loves her window. It's the sole source of natural light in her entire apartment and the only thing standing between her and insanity given the long hours she spends cooped up inside. But she doesn't love what her window represents to others.

A shattering noise comes from the direction of said window, making Sana whip her head around. Oh, speak of the devil.

"Why do you keep locking your window?"

Sana groans. She takes one last wistful look at her breadboard before unplugging her soldering iron, because she's pissed sure but she's not going to risk burning down her apartment over this, not after working so hard to get it for herself.


Tzuyu looks up with a dimpled grin and salutes as she steps through the window, politely sweeping the glass shards into a pile with her foot, "Hey, Sana unnie!"

Tzuyu...where does Sana even begin? Tzuyu's the reason why Sana has been considering boarding up her window, despite her love of it. Stupidly righteous Tzuyu who somehow looks at Sana's window when she flies by and sees a door instead of a window.

Sana sighs as she looks at the broken shards of her window on the floor. Maybe she'll just tape up the window this month and when she gets her paycheck, she can do something more permanent. Or maybe she can install a doggie door since Tzuyu seems allergic to using actual doors like a normal human being, but then again, Tzuyu isn't really that normal to begin with. Tzuyu's entire body, even her brain, was amplified because of a gene mutation when she was younger causing her to have all sorts of enhanced abilities like super strength.

"Tzuyu, please stop breaking my window."

Tzuyu pouts like she isn't costing Sana fifty bucks every two weeks to get her window fixed. It would cost more but she's a regular at this point so the handyman cut her a deal.

"I wouldn't have to break it if you would stop locking it."

"I lock it so I don't get creepy intruders," Sana says, glaring pointedly at the younger girl.

Tzuyu, oblivious as ever, laughs in response, "Pretty sure you could fight off any creepy intruders who do happen to make their way in, Sana unnie."

Sana rolls her eyes and grabs the broom leaning next to the window, placed there for easy access so she can clean up the shards of glass whenever Tzuyu decides to visit, and begins sweeping the larger shards into her dustpan.

"I mean you, you know? You're the creepy intruder, Tzuyu."

"But we're friends!" Tzuyu protests, indignant, vacuum now in hand. It's the most expensive thing in Sana's apartment, a high end Dyson one that Tzuyu gifted her last Christmas.

Tzuyu waits for Sana to finish collecting all the larger shards, then goes in with the vacuum to clean up any last bits. They've gone through this song and dance so many times it's like second nature.

"We're not friends, Tzuyu, we're enemies."

"But we hang out all the time!"

"You breaking into my apartment is not us hanging out!"

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