Wait for me? (1)

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"Are you going to put your name in this year?"

"Huh? Put my name in what?" Tzuyu asks, confused as she eats her bowl of porridge. It was only seven in the morning on a Tuesday, her brain was having a very hard time functioning.

"The Goblet of Fire, you big idiot, what else?" her best friend, Chaeyoung replies. Chaeyoung sat across the younger girl, eating her bowls of cereal as she amusedly watched Tzuyu process her question at an unbelievably slow speed.

Chaeyoung often found herself wondering how different her life would be if she hadn't had the absolute pleasure of meeting her now best friend during her second year Defence against the Dark Arts class. Tzuyu had transferred schools in that year, so she was relieved to become friends with the brown-haired girl in their first moments of speaking. Chaeyoung recalls being in awe of the girl as she told her about how she played Quidditch at her last school and how she was the top beater in her year, to which Chaeyoung enthusiastically responded with her own experiences of Quidditch at Hogwarts. With Chaeyoung having no real fixed friend group in Gryffindor, she decided hanging out with the blonde wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"Hm, probably not, I have no reason to. Slytherin has plenty of people capable of winning it for our house so I'm not too worried about losing," Tzuyu shrugs. She really had no reason to put her name in the Goblet of Fire for the Triwizard Tournament. Yes, she thought it would be cool and all to represent Slytherin and potentially win the cup and house points, however, she thought studying and focusing on her Quidditch games were more important.

"Well that's no fun is it? I'm going to put my name in for it, I regret not doing it last year and we probably won't get another chance to participate after this year, being Year 7 and all..." Chaeyoung trails off.

"I guess... I don't know... I'll think about it," the tired girl nods as she scraped her bowl for the last of her porridge.

A sigh left Tzuyu as she looked around the Great Hall, the infinitely long tables sparsely decorated with students eating their breakfast ready for the day and the sunlight from the gigantic window in the centre of the hall shining in a little too brightly for the blonde's eyes. If she were to have any thoughts, they were cut off by the sound of the large doors to the hall opening. Turning her head, Tzuyu scans the students who just entered, only to be left scowling at the sight of Minatozaki Sana and her Ravenclaw friend. Myoui Mina, was it?

The orange-haired girl just annoyed Tzuyu with her presence alone. Her perfectly ironed robe, her pretty makeup that never seemed to fault, even when she was sweating in their Quidditch games where Tzuyu got a little too close to her face while taunting her in the air. The way she entered the hall with a slight smirk just irked the sitting girl.

"She thinks she's so much better than everyone else when she clearly isn't," Tzuyu thinks to herself.

"She's so annoying."

Chaeyoung looks up from her cereal, following Tzuyu's line of sight, already knowing who she is talking about. There she sees Minatozaki Sana and Myoui Mina walking towards their table. Chaeyoung loves Mina. In a very platonic way of course! She's just so pretty and smart and always knows the right things to say. The two hit it off when they found themselves on the same carriage during the first train ride to Hogwarts, introducing themselves shyly to one another only to later bond over their shared interests, calling it fate how they met. Wait...walking towards their table?!

The duo reached them in no time. "What does she want now?" Tzuyu scowled, irritated by Sana's mere presence.

"You look so stupid scraping your bowl like that you know, ready to lose the game later today?" Sana smirked. Her only intention when coming over to the seated duo's table this early in the morning was to get a rise out of Tzuyu, to mess with her head before the Hufflepuff and Slytherin Quidditch match later on in the day. Sana knew it would work, the girl known for being easily irritable.

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