I miss you

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As Sana finished getting ready for bed, she dialed her wife's number. Listening to the ringing sound.

Not even a second later, she sees her wife's sleepy face. Lying against a soft pillow in her hotel room.

"Hi, baby." Sana says smiling, as she lays her head on her own pillow in their shared bedroom.

This time it felt strange not having her favorite person lying next to her, remembering how sad she got when the brunette had to leave for her trip.

But seeing her on facetime was enough, for now at least.

"Lovieeeeeeee..." Tzuyu whines with a pout.

"Yesssss?" She replies back with a small smile, feeling amused.

"I miss you," Tzuyu says sadly.

"I miss you too, love."

"It's not the same." Tzuyu whines more.

"What's not the same love?" The older girl's smile grew.

"It's not the same when you aren't with me. It feels weird. I don't like it." Tzuyu makes a cute angry face as she talks.

Causing the blonde to laugh heartedly which  made the brunette feel better by instinct.

"Look who's the one whining now." Sana responds, amused.

"But it's true!" Tzuyu sat up, "I miss you too much! And I miss having you by my side."

"You had a choice to stay, can't say I'm the one to blame..." Sana replied.

Tzuyu stared at her in slight shock, scoffing afterward.

"Here I thought you would give me some empathy." The younger girl places the phone on her pillow, showing her cute pissed-off face and arms crossed, "And to think you would miss me too."

"What!? I do miss you!" Sana says a little too loudly, clearly offended.

"It doesn't look like it! My feelings are very hurt right now!"
Tzuyu responds back, bitterly.

"Did my crying back at the airport seemed not obvious enough? I was full-on sobbing!" Sana spits back.

"Perhaps I shouldn't have called if you were going to be mean!" Sana turns her head, feeling very very angry at the moment in the heated argument.

"Then maybe I should just hang up-"

"What! No! That's too far!"

Sana shakes her head. They were being too silly, perhaps they do miss each other too much that they ended up arguing.

"I just want you to know that I do miss you. A lot. Maybe a little too much." Sana whispers as she shows through the camera that she's sleeping on Tzuyu'a side of the bed while wearing one of her sweaters.

"I miss you too. I'm sorry for our little fight, it's just I just want to come home already. I miss you, your touch, your scent, and your perfect face and your perfect heart and-"

Tzuyu was interrupted by the adorable cute laugh that she loves so much.

"Well, I miss you a thousand times more. More than you know."

They stared at each other for a few minutes. Just reminiscing about each other in their presence. It was enough with what they had. As if they were together anyway.

Tzuyu lies down once more, "Hey, love?" She asks quietly.

"Yes, darling?" Sana also lies down.

"Can you sing for me?"

"You want me to sing? At 1 AM in the morning?" Sana asks with a laugh.

"Yes. Yes, I do," Tzuyu says seriously, "Your voice... It helps me sleep. So pretty please?" Tzuyu asks again, with her cute doe eyes, pressuring Sana into saying yes.

"Okay, anything for you, my big baby."

Sana starts to sing one of Tzuyu's favorite songs, Feel Special. Letting her voice soothe her wife to sleep, as she also began to feel tired as well.

So as she watched her wife falling into a deep slumber, with a smile on her face, it was safe to say that even if they are a thousand miles apart, their hearts are as one.

"Goodnight my love. I can't wait to have you beside me once more. I love you." Sana smiles before falling asleep.

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