More than enough

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"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" Sana shouted surprising the unsuspecting brunette who just came home after a tiring schedule.

Sana was holding a cake with 4 sparkling candles which were purple and blue in colour, symbolizing their 4 years together. She saw how Tzuyu smiled and would do anything to keep it.

"Let's blow the candles, Love!" Sana excitedly exclaimed.

Tzuyu closed her eyes, clasped her hands together and made a wish. Sana, instead of wishing just stared at the younger girl as a small smile played at her lips.

After a while, Tzuyu opened her eyes and the both of them blew the candles out.

"What did you wish for Tzutzu?" Sana asked.

"If I tell you then my wish wouldn't come true." Tzuyu replied.

"Then I'll be your genie. I'll make it come true." Sana said.

Tzuyu smiled and looked at Sana's twinkling eyes.

"I wished that you will always be happy." Tzuyu answered.

"I am happy, my Yoda." Sana said as she grinned at Tzuyu.

"What's your wish, Love?" Tzuyu whispered.

"I wished that we'll be together forever!" Sana whispered back.

"Sana..." Tzuyu called her.

"Yes Love?"

"Are we still good?"

"Of course, Love. Why did you ask?"

Tzuyu shook her head. For 4 years, they felt happy, loved and contented but they also endured criticism, hate and other judgement from people who didn't understand them.

And in those 4 years m, there were times when they wanted to give up, felt as if they weren't enough for the other and not worthy of the other's affection. They often asked for assurance, especially Tzuyu.

"Am I still enough?" Tzuyu asked.

"More than enough, the love of my life." Sana answered before claiming those lips that's she's been wanting to kiss.

Author's note:
bit short but yes

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