Rivalry? (III)

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Living with Tzuyu wasn't as life-ending as Sana had predicted, if anything, it was bearable and occasionally pleasant. Tzuyu didn't crowd her space or make a mess of it as she assumed the other would—the alpha kept to herself more than anything and besides their morning commute, a routine was established for them. Sana woke up early, got ready then made them coffee while she waited for Tzuyu to finish her shower, she'd huff and comment on the motorcycle as usual, but as the weeks drew on, the comments dwindled and instead Sana would simply wait for Tzuyu to fit her helmet on her head silently before uttering a small 'thank you', even though her car had been fixed weeks prior, she didn't drive to work unless it was with Tzuyu or sometimes Momo would pick her up and they would get breakfast beforehand.

Their work balance hadn't changed as much has their home life, they still stayed late— past the closing hour but they chose now to acknowledge each other's presence in those late hours. Those small changes made it hard for Sana to wrap her head around.

But she could admit when they both stayed late, there was a new comfort for her knowing that Tzuyu was down the hall. She noticed every night, a few or so times, Tzuyu would pass by her door—whether it was to check on her or just because she had to go that route to get somewhere, it still felt...nice, to have her there.

Those small instances had become routine for them, Tzuyu would stop by Sana's office and offer to get her a coffee, other times, Sana would order extra take-out if she knew the alpha hadn't eaten dinner. And on most nights, even if one of them finished their work earlier, they'd still waited for the other to finish hers.

Their joint lawsuit was taking up the bulk of their time and neither realized the holidays were upon them until they were reminded, via company-wide email, that the office would be closing for winter holidays for two weeks, thus making them both realize they didn't have plans.

Tzuyu didn't plan on flying back home and she hadn't heard Sana mention any trips to visit her family—though Tzuyu knew very little of them, she knew they lived close to Seoul, at least driving distance. She didn't bring it up, nor did Sana, so they spent the week of Christmas and the New Year milling around the apartment, except for a few visits to see Chaeyoung and Mina, Sana stayed put.

Sana had even gotten used to having Kaya and Butter around, the dogs liked to follow her everywhere, always at a distance she felt comfortable with, and they'd wait patiently for her to complete whatever she was doing just to earn a few pats on the head. The dogs were simple-minded and Sana felt less and less afraid of the creatures. She didn't know why the dogs were so smitten with her but Tzuyu was happy to know she wasn't as scared, at least of Kaya and Butter, anymore.

Tzuyu spent most of the days inside her room reading books, they'd eat some meals together but make no effort to make small talk. However, having the company was still enjoyable for both.

While their teams were enjoying a much-needed vacation, they tried to make as much headway as only the two of them could on the idol defamation case, both were antsy to get back into the office and back to their jobs, but as the days drew on they had to find ways to distract themselves when staring at their computer screens got to be mind-numbing.

They figured that a good way to kill time was by having sex, both would initiate it and both would never bring it up outside of their bodies being entangled with one another. Tzuyu liked to push Sana up against walls, tables, and chairs, while Sana liked to take Tzuyu by surprise in the kitchen or the living room, whatever the mood called for.

They didn't speak about these little moments.

And once done, they went back to their tasks, always unable to look each other in the eyes for a couple of hours or until the next mealtime rolled around and they struck up minimal chitchat about the weather or work, even if Sana found it hard to sit because Tzuyu had been extra rough on her and vice versa if Tzuyu's wrists hurt from being pinned under the omega for the better half of an hour.

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