As if she's carved by Aphrodite herself

670 37 22

"I hope you brought an umbrella today."

Chou Tzuyu stops punching numbers into the cash register to watch her business partner remove her jacket at the door. Son Chaeyoung's skin is bright as always and the burgundy of her hair contrasts well with her blue cropped shirt, but her eyes shine with tiredness. They've been friends since meeting at the business college and maybe Tzuyu needs to start believing her friend but she still thinks Chaeyoung's ability to tell the weather is a load of bull so she just chuckles disbelievingly.

"I didn't because the weather app on my phone stated that it'll be sunny today."

"I'm telling you, Tzu. My right wrist, left ankle, both knees and back hurt today so I'm sure it's going to rain."

"I still think it's because you stood and drew for a tad bit too long yesterday," Tzuyu laughs and shakes her head as she continues her morning task of readying the cash register before opening up the café. She and Chaeyoung founded their café better known as Perfect Caffeine right out of college and it's been their pride and glory ever since. The location is smartly placed in front of a public park where parents love taking their children to play or to walk their dogs. There is a variety of people who like to exercise at the park in the morning too! The rent for the space is through the roof but Tzuyu thinks it's worth it even though Chaeyoung was hesitant about it in the very beginning. It took about 65% of both their savings just to secure the place and the rest went to refurbishing the area and and inventory.

Looking around the modern rustic setting of the place now with its floor-to-ceiling windows facing the park, Tzuyu's glad she risked it all for this. It may be quaint but it's all she ever wanted.

Finally closing the cash register and with Chaeyoung properly aproned behind the various coffee-making machines, Tzuyu slowly walks over to the door to take in the flurry of activities at the park and then turns the sign to 'Open."

As always, their first customer is Myoui Mina, a Music Major who likes to walk two blocks past her school just to get coffee from them becauses as she says, no one makes coffee quite as well as Chaengie does. The wind plays nicely with her long hair as she walks in and Chaeyoung brightly greets her, "Good morning, Minari! The usual today?"

"Yes! But I'm going to need another caramel macchiato on top of that," Mina replies.

"Ooh! For a friend huh, Mina unnie?" Tzuyu comments with a wiggle of her eyebrows as Chaeyoung slaps Tzuyu's head with a little scowl on her face which elicited a little yelp from Tzuyu.

"Oh no!" Mina laughs, waving her hands, "I'm doing this one performance project with a classmate and since we're aren't that close I thought I should be friendly so that we can work on the project together without any awkwardness between us."

"Ah," Tzuyu nods as she starts combining ingredients in a mixer. Chaeyoung then starts getting the drinks ready.

"Do you have twenty minutes unnie? I wanna give you butter cookies as well so that you two can munch on it while you work," Tzuyu continues.

Mina's eyes grew wide, "Really?"

"Yeah!" Tzuyu grins.

"Oh my, uhm..." Mina starts looking around and out the same window Tzuyu's baking table is set up next to. She checks the part across the street and seeming to not find what she was looking for, she perks up, "Yeah sure! She's not at the park yet."

"So you're meeting at the park?" Chaeyoung comments as she starts on the second cup.

"Yes. She chose the location actually. She said that it's a really nice place to start planning our project as we can take inspiration from the buskers in the park. She finds it wonderful to hear the symphony of the buskers," Mina explains.

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