Colours (Part 2)

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After 4 hours or so, Tzuyu woke up once again to the soft hums of the machines that were attached to her. Every single muscle in her neck screamed in pain as she turned her head to look at the digital clock perched on the bedside table which showed '12:29' in bright bold numbers. Only after that did she register the fact that she was still in the hospital. Immediately after, the image of the pretty doctor that made the tapestry of colour burst into her life popped up in her head.

"I can't believe I found my soulmate right after an accident. My face must've looked really bad. Dear God why didn't you let me prepare for my special encounter. I already had it planned! I was supposed to look all cool and amazing but now I look like I nearly died," Tzuyu scowled in her head as she slowly and painfully sat up in her bed, propping herself against the pillows. 

The moment she sat up, a nurse walked into her room with a clipboard in hand.

"Hello, Ms Chou! How are you feeling right now?" The nurse greeted as she checked the multiple monitors that were beside Tzuyu's bed and noting down things on her clipboard.

"Like I just survived a car accident," Tzuyu mumbled, making the nurse chuckle.

"Alright, everything seems alright for now. I'll come by to check on you in an hours time!" The nurse said as she walked towards the door. Before the nurse could exit the room, Tzuyu asked, " alright if I ask for a doctor?"

"Are you feeling any sort of pain or discomfort anywhere, Ms Chou?"The nurse only took three long strides to stand before her, eyes full of concern.

"'s just I have to ask her something personal," Tzuyu explained.

"Oh, if that's that case, I can call for that doctor if she's still in the hospital. If she isn't then you would have to wait until its morning," The nurse smiled. Tzuyu nodded a thanks as she told the nurse Sana's name. 

About five minutes after the nurse left, a very tired-looking Sana stepped into Tzuyu's room.

"Sana unnie!" Tzuyu managed to croak out as she made eye contact with Sana. The latter offered a tired but cute smile to the girl lying on the bed, "I heard that you called for me. Is there anything you need?"

Tzuyu shook her head and patted the extra space on her bed, gesturing for Sana to take a seat. The older girl made her way over and plopped herself down on the bed. 

"I just wanted your company, if you don't mind," Tzuyu grinned. Sana let out a soft laugh and it was the most melodious sound to bless Tzuyu's ears in the 25 years of her life. 

"Of course I don't mind."

Tzuyu then reached over to take Sana's hand in hers, rubbing her thumb over the older girl's knuckles, " do you want to approach this?"

"Approach what?"

"This whole you being my soulmate and me yours. I'm not saying that I'm upset but it's just not going the way I expected it to, you know? I had it all planned out, what I would say to my soulmate the moment I saw whoever they were, but all you saw was me nearly dying on the hospital bed which is a gruesome sight," Tzuyu sighed. 

"You were that excited, huh? Well, I think we should take it slow, since we just met and everything. And you're still hurt, Tzutzu."

"Say that again, please."

"Say what?"

"Whatever you just called me."

Sana giggled as she interlocked hers and Tzuyu's fingers, "Tzutzu."

"Mhm...I really like the sound of that," Tzuyu nodded, "On a more serious note, when can I get discharged, unnie?" 

"Want to get rid of me already? Come on, Tzu, we just met," Sana joked. Tzuyu's eyes immediately bulged out as she shook her head vigorously which only landed her in more pain. 

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