The sunflower (1)

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A hallway on the senior floor was quiet and inhabited as it's already late in the afternoon. Anyone who's sane enough would've been at home or in their dorms right now since finals were over. This clearly didn't apply to Tzuyu and Sana as they were still lounging around in the hallway. Tzuyu was leaning against the lockers, arms folded across her chest as she tried to fight the coldness of early December. She wondered how Sana manages to look so unbothered in this weather wearing just that hoodie she stole from Tzuyu's closet and jeans as she observed the girl key in the lock combination of her locker that Tzuyu knows by heart. Tzuyu heard Sana gasp when something...okay, a shit ton of things, fell out of her locker the second she swings it open. A pink envelope and a box of chocolate dropped near Tzuyu's feet, making her roll her eyes and glare at the tiny pink envelope.

"Just another day of being Miss Wanted by All," Tzuyu sighs before bending down to help Sana collect all the objects scattered on the floor. Tzuyu held up the chocolate box in her hand and scoffed in disbelief, "You're kidding. There's two more months till Valentines."

Tzuyu looked at the small gap on the locker door and wonders how Sana's crazy admirers even managed to fit the entire Royce chocolate box through that tiny hole. Whoever this person is, their effort - "You can have it, Tzutzu. It's your favourite ones." - would be a total waste since this delicious and expensive chocolate is going into Tzuyu's stomach.  Tzuyu jumps with joy as she put the box under her arm and gets ready to open the envelope in her hand but before she could even read the first sentence, a hand snatched the letter out of her grasp. "Nu uh, these letters are off limits, Tzutzu," Sana says. "So you do like all the attention you're receiving, then?" Tzuyu asks, dejected as she watches Sana shove the letter and probably ten more of those colourful letters into her bag. Sana then slammed her locker shut and looped her arm around Tzuyu's as she guides them out of school. Tzuyu wondered why Sana would always let her have the other gifts but would never let her read the letters as she looks over at the older girl at her side.

- - - - -

"You should tell her, yoda."

Tzuyu turns her head and looks questioningly at her best friend, "Tell who what, Dubu?"

Dahyun wasn't quick to answer, just turning her head towards where Tzuyu was staring at previously which made Tzuyu follow her line of sight. Then she realized who Dahyun was referring to. "You've been staring at Mina unnie's head for quite a while now,"Dahyun stated while Chaeyoung immediately whipped her head towards Tzuyu. "YOU LIKE MINA UNNIE?" Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"I don't like her. She's all yours to take, Chaeng." Tzuyu's response was quick, following by a sharp click of her tongue. She frowns when she sees Sana laughing softly at whatever Mina told her. That wasn't Sana at all! She didn't laugh like that! Sana's real laugh was loud and unrestrained, the kind that annoys you just because of how adorable it sounds! She had a laugh that could light up the whole world or Tzuyu's whole world at least. She shouldn't hold herself back and be herself just to impress the new transferee.

Tzuyu's line of thoughts were cut short when she accidentally met Sana's eyes as the older girl suddenly looked at her over Mina's shoulder. Tzuyu scrambles to look away, almost shoving her drink off the table in her haste. Dahyun and Chaeyoung chuckled at their best friend's panicked state. "Oh...I wonder why you don't like Mina unnie," Dahyun teased as she looked at the currently very red yoda.

- - - - -


Tzuyu turned around from clearing up the contents in her locker to a very nervous-looking student behind her. She raises a perfectly-sculpted eyebrow as she watched him shuffle restlessly. "So...can I help you?" Tzuyu asked as she hoped that he wasn't another confessor of hers since she felt like she had already broken enough hearts to last the year.

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