Not really rivals.

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Sana stares at the score sheet, her mouth hanging open in abject shock.

There's no god-fucking-way that Chou Tzuyu got a higher score than she did. Absolutely no way. If Sana knows anything from her long, caffeine-full nights of studying, it's that she's smarter than Chou Tzuyu. She always gets better grades. She's better than that good-for-nothing, archery-prodigy Chou Tzuyu.


These stupid tests don't seem to think so.

"Someone should snap a picture. It's not every day you see the Minatozaki Sana so surprised," an all-too-familiar voice snickers behind her, and Sana turns to see Tzuyu herself, in all her I-can-be-an-athlete-and-still-get-good-grades glory. She's wearing a navy varsity jacket, baggy jeans, and a crisp white shirt. Sana rolls her eyes- of course Tzuyu would never try to dress up. She's too comfortable with the idea of being JYP High's little archer.

"I wonder, what could be making you so shocked? Did you finally learn what modesty is, sweetheart?"

Sana grits her teeth; she won't let Tzuyu's comment get under her skin, no matter how much she despises this tall girl.

"Actually, Chou, it's humility, not modesty and I'm surprised all the time. Surprised at the fact that someone as imbecilic as yourself could even have the courage to talk to me."

Tzuyu just snorts, crossing her arms, and Sana ignores the little crowd that's gathered to watch their argument. It's commonplace now in this school; everyone knows Minatozaki Sana and Chou Tzuyu hate each other's guts.

"Well, Minatozaki, if you'd look at the dictionary, there's another synonym listed under humility, and it's modesty, so both work. And there we go with the non"- Tzuyu fakes a cough, as if she's clearing her throat- "humility. I am not an idiot, look at the test scores there. Who's the top now? You should be the one having the courage to approach me instead of trying to pick me apart with your tail between your legs."

Sana huffs exasperatedly. This girl never shuts up, and she wants nothing more than to kick Tzuyu until she's quiet. "Of course someone like you would use the dictionary. In fact, you probably even used it to cheat on that test."

Tzuyu's dark eyes narrow furiously, and Sana grins wickedly. If there's one thing Tzuyu hates, it's being accused of cheating, "Are you calling me a liar?"

"Maybe I am, Chou," Sana replies breezily, revelling in the way that Tzuyu grits her teeth and balls her fists, "You definitely lie about some things."

"So do you," Tzuyu rebuts angrily, "And look who's the highest test score on that sheet. Right there. Chou Tzuyu."

Sana rolls her eyes, but inside she's smirking. She's got Tzuyu riled up now. "Who's not being humble now, Chou?"

Tzuyu takes a deep breath, her shoulders rising and falling, and flashes a parting, fake smile. "I've got practice to get to. And then tutoring, where I help less fortunate students such as yourself to achieve high grades like mine," Tzuyu shrugs mockingly, already turning on her heel, and starts to walk away.

"I hope that arrow knocks some sense into that overinflated head of yours, Chou," Sana calls as a parting remark, watching Tzuyu go. Her academic rival only flips her off as she continues down the hall, her brunette locks bouncing behind her.

[ 3:27 p.m. ]




tzutzu. i swear to god reply or i will find you


im here im here ur so insufferable what the hell

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