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"Good morning."

Sana opens the door to her apartment with a disarming smile, "Hey, Tzutzu! What's this?"

Tzuyu holds out the bouquet of red roses with a smile, "Hi, unnie. These are for you."

"Oh," Sana blinks at the bouquet before her, "Thank you."

The confused look on her face says it all. Tzuu sighs, appraising the other half-exasperated, half-affectionate, "You know, for someone so easily swayed by the telemarketers on television, you're a tough one to figure out."

Sana looks up, confused and slightly miffed, "What's that supposed to mean, Tzutzu?"

"I mean that even now, I'm still trying to figure out how to impress you."

"Why are you trying to impress me?"

Tzuyu appraises her like she's trying not to make her confusion too obvious. "Well, why do you think sweetheart?" Tzuyu drawls, leaning back in her seat to stare affectionately at Sana.

"Because of the telemarketers?"

"Not quite. Try again, princess."

Sana shrugs, moving to put the flowers in a vase, "I really don't know, Tzu. Why are you asking such weird questions all of a sudden?"

Tzuyu just sighs. Another day, another oblivious Sana. How fun!

"Well, just think about it- why would I want to impress you?"

"You already impress me, Tzu. Especially with your archery," Sana smiles easily as she moves past Tzuyu, vase in hand, "So I really don't know why you're trying so hard."

Tzuyu watches her every movement, from the filling the vase to the careful trimming of the flower stems. There's just something about Sana that paws at her otherwise frozen and unwilling heart. She still can't quite figure out what it is.

"Keep guessing."

Sana apparently ignores her in favour of carefully arranging the flowers in the vase, taking extra care to ensure none of them fall over. "Are you hungry, Tzutzu?" Sana asks.

Tzuyu glances at the unwashed dishes still in Sana's sink, "Didn't you just eat?"

" Yes, but you know."

"Don't tell me you're hungry again, unnie!"

Sana just smiles sheepishly as she mumbles, "I didn't say that!"

"Just answer me, unnie."

"Yes. I don't mind eating again."

Tzuyu just sighs at the girl's seemingly insatiable appetite, "Alright. What do you want to eat then? It's on me."

"Pizza!" Sana leaps up happily, shrieking as she runs to grab her coat.

Tzuyu sighs but gets up to follow her anyway. Sana is already waiting for her at the door with a large grin plastered across her face. She all but drags Tzuyu out the apartment door, and if it'd been anyone else Tzuyu probably would've smacked them on the head twice, but since it's Sana- sweet, beautiful Sana - so Tzuyu just gives in and lets her.

Oh god...the things she'd do for Minatozaki Sana.

- - - - -

Tzuyu decides to try again the next day, "Unnie?"

"Yes, Tzutzu?" The older girl looks down at Tzuyu who was sitting on the floor of Tzuyu, Chaeyoung and Dahyun's shared suite while Sana's comfortably sprawled out on Tzuyu's bed with her anatomy homework.

Tzuyu fiddles with the corners of her own textbooks, "Do you want to go out with me sometime?"

Sana beams, "Of course!"

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