Rivalry? (I)

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disclaimer: this is an adaptation of a dahmo ff on ao3!! its also an alpha/omega/beta universe

Chou Tzuyu, in her place of work, was a shark: cunning, ruthless, quick to attack and kill when least expected.

Plenty of other sharks entered the firm but had weakened over time, and Tzuyu had only grown stronger in the three short years she'd been in the Cepheus law firm.

She typically handled the 'big ball' cases which involved large corporations and prominent figures of public. Politicians and high-profile people also tended to come to the firm asking for Tzuyu and her division specifically.

Most of the times, her clients consisted of those who sought revenge, those who wanted to go for the throat - make their opponents bleed dry slowly, humiliate and grind down on their victims until only nothing but dust remained - and Tzuyu was the lawyer to facilitate that very violent need.

The whispers at the firm didn't go unnoticed by her, in fact, she welcomed them, especially those from other attorneys. Tzuyu preferred for it to be known that trying to steal clients from under her was never an option.

Competitiveness didn't even begin to cover the environment at Cepheus.

Graduates from all the top law schools in the continent vied for entry positions and even if they were lucky enough to be chosen, they only had a year to prove their worth to the firm. If they failed to do so, they were cut rather quickly from the firm.

Tzuyu had proved herself to be a strong contender before even graduating law school, she already had three firms gunning for her. With a series of good internships under her belt and an unmatched resume, she slid right into her role and, after a year, had secured herself a solid team and a permanent spot in her division.

This all wasn't possible without bloodshed; she spent the first six months of her time at the firm gaining client trust and poaching some from the other lawyers. The following six months were then spent on achieving what most senior lawyers couldn't even do in their first two years there, which was to win ever single case given to her.

People often wondered if the alpha possessed a heart underneath that chilly exterior and expensive suits, but they would never get the chance to know. Why? Because besides her aggressive work ethic, the alpha was severely private about her life outside the firm.

She had requested a corner office tucked away in the back and through another set of doors to keep her peace. She also never joins her colleagues in the building's cafeteria, her secretary brought her lunch at the same hour every day and she ate alone. Tzuyu liked it better this way.

When work functions were mandatory, Tzuyu attended it only for show and always ensured that she was unapproachable. Her scent often intimidated most of the omegas at the firm enough to stay away from her outside of business settings. Some of the betas could stand to be in a room with her and other alphas could manage to do the same but preferred to steer clear of her path in general.

They didn't know her or want to know her and she didn't care to know them either.

The only person who knew a shred of her, which had escaped, and somewhat against her will, was Minatozaki Sana.

- - - - -

"When are we due at the courthouse?"

Ryujin looked up from her laptop at Tzuyu, who was leaning over her desk, sorting through a pile of papers they had yet to read before getting to court that afternoon.

The junior attorney checked the watch on her wrist and sighed, "Three hours."

Tzuyu groaned and threw her pen down onto the table, rubbing a hand over her creased forehead as her silver-framed spectacles slid down her nose. It was down to the wire now.

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