A day with Minju

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Minju sat on the couch like it was judgement day. She sat there quietly and did not dare to make any sudden movements. Her eyes were the only ones that was moving and it decided to look back and forth between her mothers.

Sana was going around looking for the pages of Twice's new song and other things that she had just put mindlessly inside her purse. Meanwhile, a certain tall yoda is busy following her wife around the house reasoning out why she shouldn't be left alone with the toddler that was seating on the couch.

"Love, please. I can't do this without you." Tzuyu pleaded.

"Of course, you can. You are the Chou Tzuyu that blew our entire fandom away with your beauty. You can do anything." Sana said finally facing her wife.

"But love-"

"I'll be back late. All the things that you need to do are on the fridge. I taught you how to make the baby formula right?
You know where the nappies are. Mmm what else?"
Sana listed the things that she needs to remind Tzuyu, who was sulking at the fact that her wife was going to leave her alone with her 2-year-old daughter at home.

"Shoes," Minju said and pointed at her feet.

"Oh yes of course!" Sana exclaimed. She went over the couch and placed a kiss on Minju's head. "Don't make it hard for mommy, okay?" the blonde told Minju and the toddler nodded like she understood everything.

Sana faced Tzuyu for the last time and gave the woman a kiss on the lips.

"I know you can do it. You always wanted to have your alone time with Minju and now this is your chance" Sana told her wife. "Yes, but I didn't expect it to be this soon and I haven't prepared myself both mentally and physically." Tzuyu whined.

"Thank you very much, Love! I love you!" Sana said and quickly went out of the house.

"Oh! And please no more Frozen. Enjoy my loves,"
Sana went back for her last reminder and winked at her two babies.

Tzuyu and Minju looked at each other and pouted. The younger one because she just hear "No" and "Frozen" which were part of the few words she can understand and she knows what it meant while the older Chou pouted because she's being overly dramatic about taking care of her daughter alone.

Don't get her wrong. It's not because she doesn't like to take care of her daughter in fact, she wanted to do it so bad. The only reason why she's being a brat is because she doesn't know if she could do it properly. She loves her daughter so much she doesn't know if she's going to be a good mom. What if she does something wrong? What if something bad happens to Minju while Sana is away? Those scenarios are the reasons why she doesn't want to be left alone with her child. She couldn't bear the thought of not being enough of a mother for Minju.

"Mama-" Minju called that broke Tzuyu's worries.

The doe-eyed woman looked at the toddler on the couch and smile.

"Mama is nervous. But you'll help me, right?" Tzuyu asked her 2-year-old daughter.

"Yeah!" Minju answered with a nod.

"Thank you, sweetheart." Tzuyu said and kissed her child.
Minju giggled as she felt her mother's ticklish kisses.

"Now, let's check our first task for today, shall we?" Tzuyu asked and carried Minju in her arms as they went off to the kitchen. Tzuyu look over the fridge to examine the list that her wife made and the first thing that she saw was 'SNACK TIME-BANANAS!'

Tzuyu opened the fridge and took out one banana. "Alright! Who wants some banana?" Tzuyu asked her child as she peeled the banana.

"Minjuuuu~!" Minju shouted her name and raised her hand.

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