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In the city of Seoul, the Minatozaki and Chou families stood as pillars of wealth and influence, their opulent lifestyles making headlines worldwide. Minatozaki Sana with her cascading brunette hair and Chou Tzuyu with her ethereal grace, both hailed from families that defined affluence. Despite their parents' amicable relations, extremely close business partners and being best of friends since the start of college, a subtle undercurrent of rivalry simmered between the two young heiresses. It wasn't anything hostile, instead it was a competition between the two to see which one of them could make the other blush first.

It all began at the grand gala celebrating Seoul's annual Prosperity Ball, where Sana, adorned in a gown that sparkled like constellations and Tzuyu, in rather dashing suit, locked eyes across the ballroom. A mischievous gleam in their eyes set the stage for the unspoken competition that would unfold. The challenge was simple yet intriguing: who could make the other person more flustered. The luxurious ballroom became the battleground for their subtle war.

Sana, batting her eyelashes, initiated the duel by complimenting Tzuyu's appearance, challenging her to maintain composure.

"My, oh, my! Dressed up for the occasion, aren't we Chou?" Sana chuckled. Tzuyu only spared a single glance at the older girl before looking back at her phone. "Not answering me, eh? Trying to play hard-to-get with me, Chou?" Sana tried once again but only to be met with utter silence. However, the older girl wasn't ready to give up just yet. Sana then tilted Tzuyu's chin upwards to make sure the younger girl maintained eye contact with her.

"Why are you so quiet today, Chou? Nothing to say?" Sana teased. Tzuyu just smirked before taking Sana's hand into hers and placing a chaste kiss on the latter's knuckles, "Careful there, love. I'm starting to think that you want my surname because of how many times you've called me by that. Not that I mind having you as my lovely wife, of course." And with that Tzuyu gave the older girl a playful wink and sauntered off to where her parents were, leaving an extremely red Sana back at the corner of the ballroom.

The exchange continued throughout the evening, escalating into a delightful banter of compliments and teasing. Sana's comments and Tzuyu's mischievous retorts created an atmosphere of playful tension. As the night progressed, both families observed the friendly rivalry between the young heiresses with amusement, secretly placing bets on who would emerge victorious by the end of the night.

As the evening culminated, the families gathered for a sumptuous dinner, and the banter continued over the exquisite cuisine. Tzuyu strategically brought up embarrassing childhood stories, trying to catch Sana off guard. Yet, Sana retaliated with tales that showcased Tzuyu's quirks, creating an amusing atmosphere.

"Not so bad for an amateur, princess," Tzuyu flashed Sana a dimpled smile. "Please, Chou you haven't seen nothing," Sana rose from her seat and walked towards Tzuyu before leaning down to drop a kiss on the younger one's cheek, who instinctively reached up to hold her cheek. "See you when I see you, cutie," Sana smiled, leaving a very dysfunctional-looking Tzuyu at the dinner table.

In the end, the families unanimously declared the rivalry a tie, acknowledging the exceptional skill of both the young heiresses in trying to make the other flustered. Laughter echoed through the halls as the two rivals exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that their shared competitive spirit had forged a unique bond amid the luxurious backdrop of their families' legacy.

Their playful banter escalated with each passing event. Extravagant gifts were exchanged, from rare jewels to custom-designed sports cars. Lavish vacations were planned to exotic destinations, each trying to outdo the other in creating unforgettable memories. The socialite scene in Korea buzzed with excitement as the two heiresses continued their game, garnering attention from the media and social circles alike.

One day, Tzuyu surprised Sana with an intricately planned hot-air balloon ride over the city at night. As the two of them floated upwards, the breathtaking view of the city left Sana speechless. "What do you think, unnie?" Tzuyu asked as she took in the sight of Sana getting bathed in the moonlight. "It's beautiful," Sana murmured as she overlooked the bustling city of Seoul. Tzuyu watched the older girl fawn over the littlest things with a fond smile on her face. "The moon's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" Tzuyu deliberately asked, observing the older girl's reactions. "Well yeah, since it didn't rain at all today-" Sana's eyes went wide as she looked at Tzuyu, "Hold on, what did you just say?"

Tzuyu chuckled as she pulled the older girl into her embrace by her waist, "Sana, I love you. These past few months we've had this little competition going on and during these months, I kept on noticing your little habits which were so easy to fall in love with. You, as a person, are easy to fall in love with because you've got that cute smile, a heart of gold and the best personality ever. I think my parents are fed up with me gushing over how cute and lovable you are every time after a gala. You've won the competition. You've made me fallen head over heels in love with you. All I really want to say is that, I love you. I love you so much and, wow, I really love you."

"I..." Sana tried to find for the words to say as a smile tugged at her lips as Tzuyu patiently waited for Sana's answer, "I love you too, Chou Tzuyu."

In a beat, Tzuyu dipped her head and kissed Sana. She felt Sana's hand reaching up to cup her cheeks. Tzuyu felt her whole body shake, feeling Sana's lips on hers used to be a dream and now they were finally reality.

Sana pulled away first, resting her forehead against Tzuyu's as she looked into Tzuyu's eyes which stared at her with so much love and affection that Sana could drown in it. "Tzuyu, you have no idea how long I've waited for you to say those words," Sana mumbled. Tzuyu just shrugged and replied, "I wanted to make our first kiss special and I wanted you to feel the love I have for you, not just something expensive I bought."

Sana stroked Tzuyu's cheeks and whispered, "I love you too much."

On another hot-air balloon near Tzuyu and Sana's:

"Mr Chou, they've just shared their first kiss."

"FUCKING FINALLY! MY DAUGHTER FINALLY CONFESSED! TOOK HER LONG ENOUGH!" Mr Chou celebrated, "Thank you for your hard work, Dahyun-ssi and Chaeyoung-ssi!"

"Anything to get insights into our best friend's nearly nonexistent love life, sir!"

authors note:
tell me how was it please its a lil short this time so im afraid it wont be up to yalls standards

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