The sunflower (5)

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Tzuyu scoffed in  disbelief, "Nothing going on, huh?"

Tzuyu's little outburst seemed to draw the attention of the people around her, including Sana who quickly turned to look at Tzuyu. Tzuyu saw the surprised look on the older girl's face upon seeing her but there was nothing else after since Tzuyu spun on her heels and bolted out of the cafeteria, ignoring Sana's calls behind her. If Tzuyu had looked around instead of just bolting out like that, she would've seen Dahyun and Chaeyoung facepalming themselves at their table.

Tzuyu was already out of the cafeteria and now walking down the hallway, head cloudy with a mix of anger, frustration and hopelessness when she felt someone pull at her wrist. Blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall, Tzuyu wrestled her hand out of the other's grasp and continued walking. However, Sana seemed persistent to make her stop this time, tugging much harder than before and successfully made Tzuyu turn around to face her.

"Tzutzu, let me explain-"

"There's nothing to explain, Sana-ssi. You can go out with whoever you want. It's not my problem and it's none of my business. I don't care," Tzuyu snapped. She usually doesn't get angry, especially when it comes to Sana. In fact, she has unlimited patience when it comes to the older girl. It was the frustration from the morning and the cafeteria scene tipped everything over, all Tzuyu's anger. She would definitely regret this later on after clearing her mind from all the negative feelings but for now, Tzuyu only stared blankly at Sana as the older girl took a step back, her grip on Tzuyu's wrist weakening as she went - a crushed expression on her face, eyes brimming with tears.

"D-Did you really mean that?" Sana asks, her voice breaking.

"Yes," Tzuyu replied almost immediately.

Sana blinked back her tears and finally let go of Tzuyu's wrist completely. Her hands were shaking as she dropped them to her side but Tzuyu was too lost in her own head to notice it. "I-I never knew that. I-I'm sorry for disturbing you," Sana took another step back, "I'll just...go then. I'm sorry again, Tzutzu."

Tzuyu just watched with her jaw clenched as Sana spun around on her heels and walked in the opposite direction, hands wiping at her cheek repeatedly.

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[12.12pm] From: gayest dubu

ur fucking stupid

[12.13pm] From: mina unnie's creepiest stalker

tzuyu you dumb fucker now how am i supposed to try to get mina unnie because im ur best friend and shes going to hate me because imbest friends with the girl that hurt her bestie #singlecubforever #imgoingtokillu #OFFWITHTZUYUSHEAD

[12.13pm] From: momo unnie

what the hell chou?

[12.13pm] From: mina unnie

im gonna kill you chou tzuyu

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After the second visit from Momo and Mina, the first being Dahyun and Chaeyoung, Tzuyu realized that she had totally and utterly fucked up.

Tzuyu had never thought Mina was capable to throwing someone over her shoulder until today when the girl did exactly that the moment she opened her dorm room door.

"I already told you I was going to kill you," Mina said as she loomed over Tzuyu who was thrown onto the floor by her. Momo then kneeled down to Tzuyu's level and punched her across the face, "That's for making Satang cry." And after throwing Tzuyu onto the floor a few more times, Mina returned back to the sweet Mina that Tzuyu had known and proceeded to inform Tzuyu what happened in the cafeteria the same way Dahyun and Chaeyoung did during their visit, except this time it was an hour shorter since it didn't include the uncountable amount of insults her best friends had thrown at her for being a dumb idiot.

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