I'm not a kid unnie!

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"I'm not a kid," Tzuyu mumbled frustrated, as she stared at the back of Sana's head from the back in the minivan.

Earlier that evening, they'd been at a fan meeting. Tzuyu had, seeing Sana alone, for once, crept up behind her and slid her arms around the older girl's waist, hooking her fingers lightly together by Sana's stomach. Sana hadn't reacted much – it was pretty much the standard fanservice.

Sana had thrown her head back onto Tzuyu's collarbone as she laughed, sending butterflies ricocheting inside Tzuyu's stomach. The fans had cooed, and the sound of cameras clicking filled the hall in which the meet was taking place. Sana placed her own soft hands over the younger girls, rubbing her thumb almost absently over the back of Tzuyu's hands.

"Everyone thinks that Tzuyu's so cold-hearted!" Sana giggled, "But she's really a clingy kid at heart..."

Tzuyu grinned, but it didn't reach her eyes.

It wasn't the first time Sana had dismissed her affectionate actions. It happened all the time, especially in the dorms. The older girl was right, Tzuyu did come off as cold or stiff with how little she usually cared for physical affection off camera. After finally placing a finger on what she felt for Sana, Tzuyu had made an effort to sit next to her whenever they had a movie night. Maybe try and cuddle with her under a blanket, or casually rest her head on Sana's shoulder. Because when she was with Sana, skinship was the best thing in the world.
It usually ended up in Sana making a comment about how sleepy she was, which would lead to either Jihyo or Nayeon sending her to bed early. So, mission failed.

"Me? A kid? Puh-lease. I'm the sexy and hot Chou Tzuyu."She scoffed offended, once again. She sunk further back into her leather seat and sighed, picking at a loose thread near the crook of her knee. How could Sana be this oblivious?

"Oh, what's got Miss Grumpy in a huff over here?" Dahyun teased. Tzuyu had forgotten she was sitting there, and dropped her chin to her chest in embarrassment. She pulled at the thread further.

"Now now, don't clam up on me," Dahyun exclaimed despairingly, placing a dramatic hand over her heart. She turned her body to face Tzuyu, propping her head up on the back of the seat with an elbow. "Ah, you wound me with your coldness, Tzuyu, you really do. C'mon. Tell your favourite unnie what's got you in a huff."

"Funny of you to think that you're my favourite unnie." Tzuyu murmered and huddled further into her coat.

"Tzuyu-ah...I heard that-"

Dahyun then grasped a lock of the younger girl's chestnut hair and tickled her cheek with it.

"Tzuyu-ah, tell me please."

"Okay, okay," Tzuyu sighed, sitting up straight and batting the offending object away from her face. Dahyun grinned triumphantly and wiggled into a normal position.

"So, what's up?"

Tzuyu bit her lip nervously and fixed her gaze on the bottom of the seat in front of her.

"Dahyun unnie... do you think of me as a kid?"

After a few silent moments, Tzuyu risked a glance at the older girl's eyes. Instead of a pitying look or a laugh like she expected, she was met with a frown.

"Why do you ask?" Dahyun enquired slowly, after a while. "Has there been comments online? Did someone say something to you at school? It must have been something big to get you like this."

"No...It's nothing like that," Tzuyu pulled the thread clean out the seat with her worrying, and ran her hands across the denim of her thighs, instead. "It's-"She risked a glance at the girl in front, who's bright laugh was currently filling the minivan, her head resting on Momo's shoulder. "–Sana unnie."

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