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A witch.

That's what she is.

A sharp-witted supernatural being that lived for more than a thousand years and witnessed the different false hoped ephemeral utopia the world had shifted through time. She knows perfectly just how this land works like the back of her hand and can easily wreak havoc in a single snap.

In short, she's an old and powerful witch, but her beauty has been preserved throughout the years since her twenties.

And old powerful witches should know how to read.

Tzuyu's sudden miscalculation says otherwise though.

"Okay, in my defense, they looked pretty similar."

Dahyun frowns incredulously, then places the flask down on the table, "Sorry to break it to you but red and blue are definitely not similar, honey."

"They're both primary colours. So basically if you do the maths, they're the same thing!" Tzuyu  defends herself.

The two of them are inside the girl's restroom (which, for some odd reason, Tzuyu finds herself feeling more comfortable to practice witchcraft) at Dahyun's university where Tzuyu decided to enroll two years ago just because she was bored and thought it'd be fun to outsmart the teachers.

"This one specifically says," Dahyun lifts up the other flask from Tzuyu's mess of a table, "'TRUTH POTION. DO NOT DRINK.' And what did you do?"

"I drank it, but," with both of her palms raised up, facing Dahyun in a weak attempt of preventing the woman from flinging the flask at her, Tzuyu straightens up, "I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad, right? It's just a truth potion! It'll wear out in probably about an hour. No biggie!"

"Three hours."

Tzuyu lets out a facetious laugh, "Right! Three hours. What could possibly happen in three hours?"

"Murder, arson, theft, robbery, rape–"

"I'm a witch! Not a criminal."

"Well, at least I know you're telling the truth," Dahyun shrugs albeit wearily, then pauses. Tzuyu silently observes her, waiting for her to say something, which she soon did. "So, exactly does this whole thing work then?"

"Uhm," Tzuyu tilts her head to the side, "it's a truth potion. It's name is pretty self explanatory, don't you think so?"

"Oh, then–"

"And your shoes are so hideous that it makes me want to close my eyes forever and never open them again–" Tzuyu immediately cuts herself off, "Oh, shit– I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud!"

Tzuyu covers her mouth with her palm. Dahyun blinks at Tzuyu, then consciously looks down on her shoes, "You said they were cute!"

They are! is what Tzuyu wanted to say.

"I lied!" is what Tzuyu replied with. Scoffing in indignation, Dahyun shakes her head then crosses her arms, "Wow. I can't believe y–"

"Tzu! Dahyunnie! Let's go– oh," Chaeyoung's enthusiasm dissipates and morphs into curiosity. She carefully drops her duffle bag on the floor and makes her way to where Tzuyu and Dahyun are currently standing. 

"What's going on?"

"I accidentally drank a truth potion that says 'DO NOT DRINK' on its flask because I thought it was a sleeping potion. The sign was italicized and bold. It's font was as big as my hand," Tzuyu says immediately that even she herself wasn't able to keep up. Surprised, she smacks her forehead instantly and looks at Chaeyoung with wide eyes.

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