Take a chance!

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"Coming!" Sana yells out as she hears knocking from the front door. She quickly wipes her hands on her pants before making her way to the entrance of her apartment.

She opens the door to the sight of a familiar dimpled neighbor.

"Hey Sana unnie," Tzuyu smiles from outside her apartment, whilst holding a brown paper bag.

Tzuyu is Sana's neighbour, one of the first people to welcome Sana and her daughter, Sullyoon, when they first moved into their new home.

When they first moved in, the raven-haired saw Sana struggling to carry some large boxes into their apartment and so she approached Sana and offered to help her. Ever since then Tzuyu easily became a constant figure in both Sana and Sullyoon's life.

"Tzu? What brings you here?" Sana asks.

Not that she minds, she never ever minds when it comes to Tzuyu.

"Can I come in?"

Sana steps back and allows Tzuyu to walk into the apartment. The raven-haired girl shrugs off her coat and hangs it on the rack, then takes off her shoes and leaves them with the others near the entrance. A familiar routine that they've developed over the time Sana and Sullyoon have lived here.

"I was coming home from work when I saw the new bakery across the street," Tzuyu walks over to the counter and places the bag on it.

"Four-leaf clover?"

"Yeah, that one! So I got us a mini chocolate cake and one of those chocolate pastries that Sullyoon likes," Tzuyu adds as she pulls out two small boxes from the bag.

Sana's heart flutters.

It's been so long since Sana's felt this way about anyone. Ever since her bastard boyfriend left her after finding out she was pregnant, Sana had given up on the concept of love, let alone falling in love. She decided it was best to focus solely on Sullyoon and made sure she lived a happy and fulfilled life.

That quickly changed when Tzuyu came stumbling into their lives. But of course, that's about as far as Sana's luck goes because Tzuyu already likes someone else.

Someone that isn't Sana.

- - - - -

"Tzu, come on. We need to get you to bed," Sana says as she tries to carry a drunk Tzuyu off the floor and onto her bed.

The raven-haired girl had invited Sana out to drinks with her friends. At first, Sana was apprehensive, not knowing what to expect of Tzuyu's friends, the only things she knew about them were through stories that the dimpled girl would share. But upon meeting them all, her initial worry was quickly washed away. Tzuyu's friends were just as rowdy as she described them to be but they were still very nice people. Sana got along with them all amazingly. It was as if the brunette has always been apart of that group.

But things quickly got out of hand when Jihyo suggested they play a drinking game.

Which in turn caused Tzuyu, Nayeon, Shuhua and Chaeyoung to get completely shit-faced. Meanwhile Jeongyeon, Soojin and Mina shook their heads in adoration at the sight of their drunk significant other.

After making sure the other couples had a ride home, Sana then sets off on her task of getting Tzuyu back to their apartment complex in one piece. Thankfully Sullyoon was staying at her grandparents for the weekend, so that was one less thing Sana had to worry about at the time.

"Tzu," Sana shakes the raven-haired girl awake.

"Wha-" Tzuyu lifts her head slowly and Sana sighs.

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