The sunflower (3)

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It was late in the afternoon when the both of them were trying to put the glow-in-the-dark stickers that Tzuyu bought on the ceiling of Sana's room. Sana was holding onto the ladder to stabilize it because Tzuyu can't seem to stay still even in a dangerous situation with her lanky frame.

"Tzutzu! Stay still!" Sana snapped annoyedly when Tzuyu swayed for the nth time on top of the ladder. Tzuyu looked down and smirked at the older girl, "I trust you to catch me when I fall, Shasha."

"You weigh as much as a fully grown Amur leopard! There's no way I could catch you without one of us getting a concussion afterwards!" Sana replied.

"Awww, and here I was thinking you would do anything for me," Tzuyu pouted. "You're not in any K-dramas as much you wish you were, Tzutzu," Sana said, amusement laced in her voice and then patted Tzuyu's leg to direct her focus back on getting the stickers on the ceiling, "Now, finish up your task. I need to shower."

"Your wish is my command, my princess," Tzuyu chuckled, trying to deepen her voice to imitate that of a knight's before proceeding to do a slight bow. The sudden action caused her to sway once more and before she knew it, Tzuyu's feet had lifted off from the step and Tzuyu fell onto the floor with Sana beneath her.

"You did catch me after all- Sana unnie?"

Sana had her eyes shut when Tzuyu lifted her body off from Sana's and looked at the older girl. Tzuyu let out a tiny chuckle and patted Sana's cheek playfully, "Seriously Shasha?"

When Sana didn't answer, Tzuyu started to shake Sana's body but the older one remained unmoving. Tzuyu waited for Sana to finally open her eyes and laugh at her for panicking but that never happened as Sana remained motionless on the floor. Tzuyu immediately scrambled to her feet and carried Sana as she dashed out of Sana's dorm room, towards the nurse's office in their campus.

That was the first ever time Tzuyu had ever felt so close to losing Sana.

End of flashback...

As cliché as it sounded, the little pep talk from Dahyun didn't work. If anything, it made Tzuyu do exactly the opposite of what they wanted her to do. If Tzuyu ever saw Sana a hundred metres away from her, Tzuyu would do a U-turn towards the opposite direction even if it took her longer to reach her destination. When Sana asks her if she wanted to hang out, Tzuyu made up so many excuses that it was starting to sound as ridiculous as her cowardice. Well, it wasn't really her fault she started to run out of sensible excuses. Though Tzuyu thinks having to watch over her goldfish give birth would suffice as a believable excuse. This whole routine had been going on for about a week now and Sana still hadn't questioned her about it so Tzuyu thinks it's still pretty slay. However, it was extremely hard for Tzuyu since she missed Sana so much that it was hurting her, both physically and emotionally. They've been stuck by the hip since who knows when, almost inseparable since the day they met at the park as kids, so not having Sana by her side for this long made her heart ache painfully inside her chest. It hurt so much that it seemed as if someone had shot a hole through her heart. A Sana-shaped hole. But Tzuyu would rather do and feel this way than listen to Sana gush over some stupid, useless boys.

Why did Sana have to like boys and not girls or even both? In the many years of their friendship, Tzuyu had never heard Sana talking about her interest towards girls even once! She does remember Sana talking about Im Nayeon when Nayeon transferred. Everyone was gushing over her, even Jeongyeon, who Tzuyu thought was as straight as a ruler but was proved wrong later on, was affected by the newcomer's beauty. However Sana, the girl who is the prettiest in Tzuyu's eyes, didn't bat an eye at the said girl. Like the light of Nayeon's smile didn't blind her like it did to everyone else. She knows that Sana was perfectly fine with relationships between the same gender since she was perfectly fine with her best friend, Momo, being together with Dahyun. But just because she was alright with it doesn't really mean she was gay...right?

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