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Tzuyu has lived all her life, normally—as she would put it. She thinks the best way into it is to not get into trouble, silently do her things, and get on with it until she's finished; not that she has any deadlines in life, she just does not want to live with the consequences of being behind. So, even if she desperately wants to quit, she does things for the sake of doing it—it was easier that way. This was also her same sentiments going into college—but college wasn't easy. She wanted to quit, every day. But she does it not to disappoint her parents, and quite frankly, she really doesn't know what else to do besides that because other things weren't on her plans in life which were: live, study, go to work, and wait until she has lost every breath she could in this lifetime.

Tzuyu lives in a condominium near her university, and in it, she shares the place with three different people—to save money. She's been living there for almost two years already, now on her sophomore year in college, and yet, she does not know her roommates very well except for the few conversations that they had. Tzuyu was never really a talker, so she just lets it be.

Tzuyu looked at her wristwatch and heaved a sigh—she got ten minutes left before the start of her first class and yet, here she is, still tying her shoes in the living room. Her university is only a few minutes away from her place—one of the reasons she wanted to live there (even though she does not want to live with strangers), but Tzuyu likes to take her time and take things slow.

But that day was just different. She simply did not want to go to any of her classes. Tzuyu never missed a class, but her willingness to quit was too tempting that day. So, here she is now, on the verge of being late even when her finals are coming up. She slouched on the couch, closing her eyes. I don't want to go.

The unit was silent, with Tzuyu thinking that all her roommates went to the university by then; except for one who's probably still sleeping. She does her best to avoid them as much as possible, because the last thing that she wanted was to have an awkward interaction with any of them. Not that she does not want to be close to them, she just does not know how—she's afraid she's too awkward and introverted for that.

"Aren't you a little late now?" Tzuyu was startled; she immediately opened her eyes and gazed upon the direction of the voice, and to her surprise, one of her roommates was there — not very much asleep as she had thought. It was Sana. At this time of the day, the girl should still be asleep by now. Tzuyu knows for a fact that Minatozaki Sana wakes up a little late every Monday because of her afternoon class. They had a schedule of their classes pinned on their fridge, and Tzuyu doesn't often see Sana on Monday mornings.

"I was slow..." was the only thing she could utter. Tzuyu doesn't talk to Sana at all. On rare occasions that she does talk to her roommates, it's normally to Momo. Or Mina. But no, not Sana.

Sana smiled at her response, observing Tzuyu from the kitchen as she pours herself a glass of water. "Seems like you were already sleeping earlier, though," the girl said, chuckling.

Tzuyu did not know how to respond to that, so she just smiled as an answer. She then walked up from the couch and started heading towards the door. Before reaching it though, she turned to Sana and awkwardly looked at the drink she was holding — not wanting to directly look into the girl's eyes – and mumbled, "I'm going now," she scratched her nape, looking down, and awkwardly held her hand up, attempting to wave. "Bye..." she said, timidly. Before she could open the door completely, Sana spoke with rush, "Wait!"

Tzuyu turned her way, confused. "Uh... why?"

"Let's ditch school, Tzuyu."


For Sana, her roommate has always been a mystery. For the years that she had known and lived with her, she has never been close to the girl. A few pleasantries along the way, sure, but that was about it. It felt like the younger girl has never let her guard down with them; she's always been quiet and lodged herself inside her room frequently than she's ever stayed outside.

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