The sunflower (2)

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"You're so stupid!" Chaeyoung exclaimed in exasperation, looking as if she would tackle Tzuyu right there and then inside their school's cafeteria for everyone to witness. Maybe a good punch to the head is exactly what Tzuyu need to collect her thoughts, stop be extremely oblivious to everything and finally stop being a giant idiot. Tzuyu rolls her eyes at Chaeyoung's outburst, willing herself not to reply with a 'Well, tell me something I don't know.' and instead opted to focus on her lunch.

Tzuyu's gaze seemed to be focused more on their table nowadays when usually, it would be roaming around the cafeteria, searching for a certain person in the sea of students. And that person right now looked pretty content and comfortable spending her lunch with Mr Oh-so-perfect across the cafeteria.

"It's alright, Chaeng! At least this time she doesn't have the audacity to stare a hole through his head since it's HER OWN DUMBASS CAUSED THIS MESS," Dahyun rolled her eyes, emphasizing the last few words and then proceeded to pull away Tzuyu's lunch tray when the youngest ignored her words. Tzuyu looked up, ready to snatch back her bread when the look on both of her best friends' faces stopped her, making her slump even further into her seat. "I've already explained multiple times! She wasn't even serious when she said my name! What did you expect me to say?" Tzuyu asked, rubbing her face in her hands. She could already feel the impending headache just thinking about what happened in Sana's room.

"There were so many other things you could've said like an extremely simple yes or that's right or Sana unnie I've been in love with you since forever but instead you decided to say the stupidest thing I've ever heard...I'm not easy," Chaeyoung looks at her as disbelief coloured her face, "You're very easy, Chou Tzuyu. All it took for you to fall was a little sunflower."

"No...that's not true," Tzuyu weakly retorted as her eyes darted around the cafeteria, looking everywhere except her best friends.

"And I'm not Son Chaeyoung," Chaeyoung scoffed as she stabbed her dino-nuggets that Mina gave her before lunch.

Even though Tzuyu wouldn't admit it out loud, she could still remember that day as clear as glass. That day when the weather was perfect, the beginning of spring, and it was the best season to play at the park where there were many different flowers in full bloom and that was exactly what 6-year-old Tzuyu did. She was playing in the park with Dahyun and Chaeyoung, running around gleefully without a care in the world. After playing tag for a few hours, the trio of best friends grew bored of it and decided on a different game to play - hide-and-seek. After making Chaeyoung the seeker, both Tzuyu and Dahyun scrambled away quickly to find a safe place to hide in.

The game had only just started and Tzuyu was already starting to feel frustrated, especially since she still couldn't find a place to hide after Dahyun stole her original spot and kicked her out of it. By then, Chaeyoung was almost done with counting down to zero so out of fear of getting caught so early and losing to Dahyun, the spot-stealer, Tzuyu quickly jumped into the bush near the monkey-bars.

A surprised squeak left Tzuyu's lips when she noticed that someone else was already hiding in the bush and that someone was not Chaeyoung or Dahyun. The other bush occupant looked as equally surprised as she was and was staring back at Tzuyu with her big doe-eyes.

"Who are you?" Tzuyu whispered curiously as she tilted her head to the side and examined the other occupant of their little bush.

"Sana," the girl answered timidly. Her voice was soft but Tzuyu understood the one word just fine. Tzuyu nodded but the girl's attention wasn't on her, instead she was looking down at her shoes as she drew little circles. She looked nervous but Tzuyu beamed at her new companion before saying, "Hi Sana-ssi! My name's Tzuyu. I'm 6-years-old and I love bread!"

Maybe talking about her love towards bread wasn't the most effective way to make new friends as Sana just nodded and kept mum afterwards, obviously not interested in the fact that Tzuyu loved bread. However, 6-year-old Tzuyu didn't give up so she tried to initiate the conversation once more. "What are you doing here, Shasha? And how old are you?" Tzuyu asked.

"I don't know and I'm 9-years-old this year," Sana replied, her voice grower smaller at every word she uttered which made Tzuyu scoot closer towards Sana to listen to her. Tzuyu only stopped moving when she was just a few inches away from Sana, the tip of their slippers touching. As Tzuyu was about to continue with her mini interview, something yellow in Sana's hand caught her eye, making her point at it and ponder, "What's that in your hand, unnie?"

Sana looks over at where Tzuyu pointed as a small smile played on her lips before lifting the thing from the ground and showing it to the younger girl, "This is a flower. A sunflower to be exact."

"It's really pretty. Just like you, unnie," Tzuyu beams as she reached up to touch the petals of the sunflower.

Sana's eyes lit up at that, "Thank you for the compliment. I picked it up near the monkey-bars just now and I saw a few more near the slide!" She stopped and looked hesitant for a moment before shyly adding, "Do you want to go pick the other sunflowers with me, Tzutzu?"

"YES!" Tzuyu excitedly shouted as she quickly got up on her feet and offered her hand to Sana to help the girl stand up. Tzuyu then intertwined their hands together and pulled Sana out of the bush to find the other sunflowers together, completely forgetting about the hide-and-seek game that was still ongoing. In the end, Tzuyu did lose the game to Dahyun but it was alright since she gained a new friend, and a pretty one at that.

"Tzuyu, listen," Dahyun started as she waved her hands in front of Tzuyu's face, successfully snapping Tzuyu out of her reverie. Tzuyu turned to look at Dahyun and shrunk into her seat as she saw the seriousness in her best friend's eyes. "They aren't together. Yet. But that would change soon if you don't act and continue being a coward. Sana unnie is the kindest person I've ever met and she's definitely the easiest person to talk to. Even if she doesn't feel the same way," Dahyun stopped briefly when Tzuyu pulled up the kicked-puppy look onto her face, "I mean you'll never know if she reciprocates your feelings all this while. But just in case she doesn't, I know she would still want to remain as best friends with you. You two have been best friends for ages and if she can endure your annoying ass for this long, I'm sure she won't just throw this friendship away so easily just because you have feelings for her. And I'm saying this because I know one of the reasons why you're afraid to confess to our beautiful unnie, aside from your cowardice, is because you're afraid of losing her forever."

Tzuyu forcefully tore her gaze away from Dahyun. She definitely didn't like what she just heard because she knew whatever Dahyun had said was true. Tzuyu was afraid. She would do anything and everything to not lose Sana. Even if it was at the cost of her heart getting broken time and time again.

author's note: UPDATE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA look at that bangchan's gonna steal sana away from tzuyu ohno

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