My wife

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The morning sun was peeking through the blinds causing Sana to stir. She blinked a couple of times, to adjust to the bright light. The brunette looked at the bedside table to see that the clock read 8am. She groaned quietly as she stretched, it was definitely too early to be up on a Saturday morning.

She shut her eyes, wanting nothing more than to fall back asleep. When she couldn't, she frustratedly stretched yet again with a pout. Movement from her right caused her to look over.

Her wife was sleeping peacefully beside her.

Sana admired the blonde girl's beautiful features. Her hair was up in a messy bun with some stray strands of hair down, framing her face perfectly. Sana thought it was beautifully unfair that her wife looked so delicate and pretty even with messy hair and a bare face. Sana's eyes fell on her wife's fluffy cheeks and cute nose. She wanted to lean in a kiss it but didn't for the fear of disturbing her wife.

Her eyes travelled from Tzuyu's cute nose to her soft lips. The more Sana stares at her wife, the more a soft smile played at her lips. Next, Sana followed the slop of her wife's exposed neck and clavicle.

Between the two, Tzuyu wore the more masculine clothes, such as suits. However, in rare moments, Tzuyu would wear softer and more feminine clothes. Sometimes it would be a cute blouse she would pull out from the back of their closet or a dress that she felt pretty in.

Sana loved Tzuyu in anything she wore. She loved her sharp button-ups, she loved the cute oversized hoodies that Tzuyu loved to wear with the hood up even if they were inside and she loved the few times her wife showed her softer side.

Like now, the blonde woman who usually wore and oversized t-shirt to bed was wearing a simple silk nightgown. The thin straps left Tzuyu's slender neck, exposing her elegant collar bones and putting her shoulders on display.

Sana basked in the thought that she was the only one who got to see Tzuyu like this. The fact that she was able to see the many different sides of her wife.

The smaller girl noticed that the sun rays had slowly spilled across their bed and soon would be in her wife's face. Wanting to protect her sleeping wife, Sana pulled the blanket over both their heads.

Sana watched her wife lovingly as she nuzzled her head into the pillow as the new fabric tickled her face.

"You know it's rude to stare, Love ." came a drowsy voice.

Sana's smile grew. "I'm just admiring my beautiful wife."

Tzuyu buried her head into the pillow but Sana could see the corners of the smile Tzuyu tried to hide.

"It's too early for you to be cheesy." Tzuyu mumbled with her face in the pillow.

Sana let out a laugh as she pressed a kiss on her wife's cheeks. "You knew what you were getting when you married me and made me Mrs Chou."

This time Tzuyu did not hide her smile that showed her cute dimples as she turned towards Sana. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll just have to suffer it through."

Sana laughed out loud. "Poor you! Looks like you're going to have to suffer through it for a long time cause you're stuck with me."

Tzuyu started to smirk and Sana felt her body buzz a little. Loving their playful banter and feeling a little warm at her wife's smirk, Sana braced herself for the snarky retort her wife was going to throw at her.

"Hopefully for the rest of my life." Tzuyu smiled at Sana as her eyes shone with all the love she had for the woman lying beside her.

Sana felt her cheeks become warm as she heard the unexpected sweet reply from her life partner. "Look at who's being cheesy now." Sana teased.

"I guess you're rubbing off on me." Tzuyu winked.

Sana laughed as she leaned in to give her wife a quick kiss.

Tzuyu smiled and leaned in for another which Sana happily gave.

A clang from the kitchen caused both women to remember that there was a world outside their make-shift one under the covers.

Tzuyu let out a quiet sigh, "We should get up, Love."

"Nooooo. Tzutzu come back." Sana whined as tried to pull her wife, who was getting up, back into their bed.

Then, Sana felt strong arms wrap around her petite frame and suddenly she was lifted up into the air. She squealed as she clung onto Tzuyu who was carrying her in bridal style. Tzuyu gave her wife a dazzling smile as she carried her into the bathroom to wash up.

Not long after they finished washing up, Sana and Tzuyu heard little footsteps running towards their room. The door burst open and two little girls ran in.

"Mommy! Mama!" both girls screamed as they jumped into Tzuyu's open arms.

Tzuyu effortlessly carried both her daughters as she gave them both a morning kiss, "Good morning sweethearts."

Sana walked towards her two girls and gave both of them a kiss on the forehead. And then tiptoed to kiss her tall wife's forehead.

"Mama! Me and Minju unnie are making pancakes!" Yuna the younger one of the two, informed Sana happily.

Upon closer look, Tzuyu could see both girls had pancake mix dusted on their cheeks and hair.

"That sounds delicious, Yuna!" Sana enthusiastically replied her daughter as Tzuyu fondly watched her wife and children interact.

"How's the pancakes now, Minju?" Tzuyu asked.

"Burnt." Minju replied her mommy with a smile.

Both parents erupted laughter as they heard their daughter's answer. "Well then let's go make more!" Tzuyu yelled as she ran to the kitchen with her daughters in her arms. "Hey! Wait for me!!!" Sana exclaimed as she followed her wife.

As Sana watched Tzuyu cook with Minju and Yuna, she thought about how lucky she was to have two beautiful little girls and her wife whom she loved in her life.

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