Say something (2)

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"Oh!" Sana said, hopping forward, "I'm such a klutz. Did you get hurt?"

But she wasn't looking at the boys. Instead, she was looking straight at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu's mouth dropped open. "Uh, no."

"Good!" Sana picked up the tennis ball. Her smile faded when she looked back at the boys staring at her and glared at the
. "Next time, I won't miss."

Then she went back to practice, head held high. The boys grumbled amongst themselves, throwing the words bitch in the air, before they too eventually stalked off. Tzuyu stared after her crush, mouth still hanging open. After a while, Chaeyoung took pity and closed it shut for her.


Tzuyu had Vice President duties, which meant that she visited the teacher's office more often than her other classmates did. Every Friday, after classes ended and people went off to do club activities, Tzuyu would pick up the paperwork her teachers would assign her to do and head off to the office. Of course Dahyun was the first option to do this but she was also part of the debate team with Park Jihyo, which meant that she was busy too. Tzuyu would've joined a club if she was interested in one but so far, she wasn't. That's why she spent her days watching the girls practicing tennis or hanging out with Momo at the cooking club. Sometimes, she'd even head over to the back of the school, where Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon would be playing video games with Mina.

This time, Tzuyu was on her way to the office when she noticed Sana up ahead in the hallway, waving goodbye to Nayeon and mentioning something about getting some extra credit done. At the sight of her crush, Tzuyu physically felt her lungs contract, which made her take an even deeper breath to compensate for the lack of oxygen. And somehow, Sana must've heard her because she looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"Tzuyu-ssi," she called, gesturing for her to come close, "Are you heading to the office?"

Tzuyu nodded slowly. "Yes."

"Good! I was going the same way. Let's keep each other company, okay?"

Keeping Sana company was something Tzuyu had high up in her list of things she wanted to do for the rest of her life but she bit back a smile and just nodded.

"So," Sana began, still with that bright, chirpy smile on her face, "how are you?"

Tzuyu should've thought her choices through before she stupidly agreed to accompanying Sana on the way to the teacher's office because they've never had a full conversation together and it just occurred to her now that she was probably not prepared for this. But Sana had asked a question and Tzuyu would slap herself in the face if she didn't come up with an adequate response.

"Good," she replied shortly.

Sana winced. "That's nice," she replied.

Tzuyu wanted to slap herself. She probably sounded off or cold. Sana was expecting somebody who could carry a conversation, which Tzuyu couldn't, of course. She was already a shy person when it came to people but she was even bigger mess when it came to Minatozaki Sana.

"I mean," she added, reaching up and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "I've been good. What about you?"

Sana's smile returned. "Just been busy with tennis practice," she said, "Coach Kang is really grinding us to do well in time for a match this Saturday."

"I'm sure you'll do well," Tzuyu said, "I watch you guys practice. You're very good." She refrained from talking about what Sana had done to those boys during one of those said practices. Judging by the proud smirk on the other girl's face, however, it was clear that she remembered it.

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