Colours (Part 1)

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Monochrome shades of grey, white and black are the colour palette that Sana's eyes have been accustomed to her whole life. From the beginning of time, everyone is born without the ability to see colours. Why you may ask, well that's because they only gain the ability to see the world in colours when they meet their soulmate. Finding and making eye contact with your soulmate is not necessarily one in a million, but it is still extremely difficult.

To Sana, it was.

It also means that everyone is technically 'incomplete' and lacks a key sense but Sana doesn't really feel the need to worry. Colour was not a factor that was needed in the emergency department. The sleek grey scale of her peripheral view is a familiar pattern of medical terminologies, graphs, and numbers, without the disturbance of uncontrolled variables like colour, so it makes her job a tad bit easier.

In the bustling chaos of the emergency department, Minatozaki Sana is focused on the paperwork she needs to sign off for the patient she previously attended to.

Some called her a prodigy, considering how she managed to score straight As throughout her medical school years. At the young age of 24, Sana was already an emergency physician, handling critical emergency cases at a renowned hospital in Seoul.

More often that she thinks, when Sana attends to elderly patients, they would tell her how proud her parents must be to have her as their daughter.

Sana should be happy, really.

She had a loving family, good grades, a job, albeit a tiring one, though it is one that she treasures greatly and probably a higher than average paycheck.

Yet, her world remained monochrome, devoid of the vibrant hues others spoke of.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A voice appears behind Sana.

She turned around to see her best friend, Momo, enter the emergency room, a few boxes of new gloves in her hands, probably to replenish what was used from the earlier shift.

"It's nothing," Sana simply shook her head,

"Anyway, how's things with Mina? I heard from the other nurses that a certain someone can't stop smiling at work," Sana teased, shooting Momo a smirk to which the older girl rolled her eyes at.

"I certainly do not keep smiling at work! I don't know what you're talking about," Momo clicked her tongue in protest, though Sana could already see the edges of her lips curl up just at the mention of Mina.

"But things are great. I...I really like her, Satang," The older girl smiled shyly.

Momo met her soulmate, Mina, exactly a week ago when the Pediatric Department was introducing the new trainee nurses. The two had exchanged numbers and had dinner together (a date to be exact), and ever since then, Momo couldn't stop gushing to Sana about how pretty her soulmate is.

Don't get her wrong, Sana was truly happy for her best friend, though she couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit of envy at the fact that Momo could see colours now.

Then came the day when fate intervened, weaving a tapestry of colours into Sana's existence.

It was just like any other night shift of the many that Sana had been assigned to since the moment she had graduated from medical school and completed her grueling years of residency. She's had her fair share of night duties, so working nonstop for almost thirty hours throughout the night didn't scare her anymore.

A shriek of tires, the wail of sirens from the ambulance, and suddenly, a rush of commotion flooded the emergency room.

"Excuse me, make way please! Please move!"

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