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"Jen, are you OK? Jen!" Jen was shaken from her orgasmic reverie by Derek calling her name. Not exactly calling her name the way she imagined that he had been screaming her name, but he was gently shaking her arm and leaning close as he looked at her with a concerned expression.

"What?" She could not believe how much she had zoned out. Well, she really could believe it. It wasn't as if she hadn't followed that raw sexual train of thought before—she just never had done so as completely or in his presence. "Sorry. I was just thinking...."

"Are you sure? You look flushed," he said reaching out instinctively to check her for a fever.

She pushed his hand away and stood to cross the room before he was able to see how deeply she was now blushing as she realized exactly what she had been thinking as she sat mere inches from him. "I'm fine, Derek. Just tired or something. Do you want another drink?"

"I'm OK for now. Thanks," he said quietly. Still too overheated from her imaginary walk down Shepherd Lane, Jen realized that she needed some fresh air. She stepped out onto the balcony into the cool night air hoping against hope that he wouldn't follow her out there. Perfect, Jen. Just perfect. I'm surprised that you weren't acting out the whole sexual experience right there in front of him. God, when did you get it this bad for him?

As she stood outside arguing with herself, she clutched her arms tightly to protect her bare arms from the cool wind that was blowing. For his part, Derek sat in the same spot on the sofa. He watched her pace around and knew that she was upset about something, but he had no idea what it was. He had expected her to come back in right away since she wasn't dressed for the cool weather, but she hadn't. She obviously had something big on her mind. Finally unable to watch her tremble and pace in the cold any longer, he stepped out onto the balcony and walked up behind her, wrapping his jacked around her shoulders. She smiled up at him and tried to hide the angst she was feeling. He looked at her tenderly and pulled the jacked tightly around her shoulders. "Sure you don't want to talk about it?" he asked, brushing a stray hair back from her face.

She just shook her head "no," and turned to look the other way. She didn't want him to see the tears in her eyes. She was taken aback when he pulled her close and held her. He folded her into his arms and pulled her tightly to his chest, trying his best to protect her from what was upsetting her. Little did he know that the overpowering combination of his aftershave, his soap, and his conditioner along with the purely male scent that was his own were exactly the thing she was most trying to avoid. After they stood there a few minutes, he pulled back to look at her to see if she seemed any more relaxed. She stood there staring deeply into his eyes with a few tears rimming her own.

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