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Derek was met at the gate by Frank Hinson of the Peace Corps. The Corps had arranged for Frank to obtain special permission to meet Derek as soon as he deplaned. Frank walked right up to Derek and offered him his hand, shaking it in a sincerely welcoming manner. "Welcome back to the States, Mr. Shepherd."

"Thanks," Derek replied, "and please call me Derek."

"We all felt just terrible when you.......disappeared. It is such a relief to know that you're OK."

"Thanks," Derek said quietly.

"After you're settled in, the Corps would like to have an official ceremony to welcome you home."

"That's really not necessary," Derek said honestly.

"Oh, but it is. We owe you so much. We need to recognize you for the work you did and for surviving such an ordeal. Besides, it would be good for your family."

Derek said nothing, and Frank realized that he was really stressed out about his trip back home and trying valiantly not to show it. Poor guy. His stress was completely understandable. His whole life had been lost to him, and now that he was getting it back he couldn't remember anything. "We'll talk about that later," Frank said encouragingly, "Nervous?"

"You have no idea," Derek said finally breathing a little.

"I'm sure I don't have any idea how you must feel. But it's OK if you're nervous or worried......this is a really big day for you."

"Thanks, Frank," Derek said as they walked toward baggage claim.

The entire trip from the airport had been one of mystery and shadows. Some of the things Derek saw seemed familiar, but most were completely foreign to him. He tried really hard to watch street signs and to identify places he'd been before, but he just exhausted himself by trying so hard.

The trip was shorter than he expected, so they arrived before he was ready. Of course, Derek realized that he would probably never be ready for the homecoming that awaited him. Frank pulled his car up near Derek's mother's house, parked, and looked over at Derek. "Thanks, Frank," Derek said, his voice cracking a little as he tried to contain his complete trepidation.

"Want me to go in with you?" Frank asked, feeling nothing but sympathy for the quiet shell of a man he was returning to his long lost home.

"No. It's OK. It's something I should do alone. But I appreciate the offer," Derek said as he tried to smile in appreciation.

Frank helped Derek retrieve his bags and shook his hand warmly, "Good luck," he said swallowing the lump that had formed in his own throat just imagining what Derek was up against.

"Thanks," Derek said quietly.

Frank sat and watched as Derek opened the gate and walked slowly up the path that led to his mother's front porch. He saw his shoulders move slightly and he assumed that Derek must have taken a huge breath trying to relax himself. He had, but what Frank couldn't have known was that Derek also stuck his hand inside his jacket pocket to pat the photo of the woman that always calmed him down. Derek turned and waved at Frank and reached over to ring the doorbell. As the door opened, Frank heard the exclamations of a happy family before driving away to leave them privacy for their long-awaited reunion.


Crowds of people. Correction: crowds of strangers. There were squeals and exclamations and the sounds of a jubilant family. Derek tried to take it all in. He felt as if he were dreaming and watching this scene unfold. He tried to adjust to the sights and sounds and smells of his childhood home. But it was too much for him to drink in all at once. Before he could register a clear thought or make a move inside, he was nearly bowled over by the ferocious hug of the woman who must have been his mother. She embraced him tightly and held on for dear life. He felt her sobbing against him and responded naturally by wrapping his arms around her. He surprised himself by crying quietly, too. He tried with every fiber of his being to remember things about her. Her embrace was full of love and relief and exhaustion, but it did not bring back any childhood memories for him. When he dared to open his eyes, he saw that most of the people watching them were crying, too.

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