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                              this seemed like a good idea when I wrote it. I even thought it was a bit illuminating at that time. Now I'm not sure........I'm pretty sure it won't tell you enough and that it might make you angry or angrier with Derek. And that wasn't the intention. Oh, well........I guess I should just let you read it. Eager to hear your thoughts......I think..........And I hope the IM part is understandable--a few of you who've seen my IMing spazzes in real life will probably giggle at my attempt to capture that madness in a fic.

The next morning, Derek woke up and found himself alone in Jen's bed. She'd gotten up early and left to avoid facing him. He knew that as surely as he knew anything. She had left a note for him.

Thanks for staying. We're OK. Let's just pretend last night never happened. I'll watch the alcohol intake next time.........


Derek smiled. He left her a note in return when he left her apartment.

Pretend what never happened? I'll be over Saturday night. I'll bring steaks. Don't even try to cancel. Seriously.


Knowing full well that she'd be trying to cancel the next time he heard from her, Derek grinned and left for work.


The week flew by. Jen had tried at least fourteen different ways to stand Derek up on Saturday night. He was having none of it. Here it was Friday, and she still hadn't gotten out of it. She had to do something. She was sitting at her desk pondering the possible illnesses she could fake when her PDA beeped at her. Derek was on MSN trying to chat with her.

Maybe I can talk him into postponing, she thought as she read his message.

D: excuse number 14 stunk
for a shrink, you're a lousy liar.
how do you lie to your patients?
if they ask you if they're nuts, do you tell them they are?

J: shut up

D: hmmmm........I thought so

J: hey, D. why don't we just get together next week

D: avoidance.
doctor, is avoidance healthy in a relationship?

J: this isn't a relationship

D: dammit you know it is
we're friends, good friends
i'm coming
don't be a chicken

J: squawk

D: seriously?

J: squawk. squawk.

D: i won't bite

No response.

D: promise you won't bite me?

J: ass

D: funny
my ass is off limits BTW

J: coughseriousasscough
unstable ass

D: i NEED my saturday nite session

J: cheapskate

D: what? i'm bringing food

J: my rates cost more

D: i can't pay you. i kissed you. that would make you a....

J: you didn't kiss me.

D: yes i did.

J: i kissed you.

D: i kissed you back. you are a good kisser, you know.

J: we need more time
saturday's too soon.

you're a chicken

J: yeah

D: i'm coming over.
we don't have to talk about it

J: promise?

D: yeah. we're OK?

J: yeah

D: are you ok?

J: shut up

D: I'll see you at 7 tomorrow night.

J: ok

D: red or white?

J: neither

D: lol. you were kidding right? no alcohol?

J: vodka

D: oh. lol. ok.

J: bye

D: bye, j

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