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OK. Remember the Puffs warnings? Well, this update should have a different warning. Does anyone have a sap-o-meter?

She looked up at him cautiously. His eyes were smiling. "I love you. I've been in love with you forever," he said as soon as her eyes met his.

"I love you, too," she whispered back with tears in her eyes, "so much more than you know."

Oh I want to taste your kiss
Be the reason for your smile
Touch the magic on your skin
Be the one that drives you wild.

They started dancing their own private dance, swaying slightly and gazing into each other's eyes. Their rhythm did not match the beat of the hot party music now blaring, but neither of them noticed.

"Be my date tonight?" he asked, smiling down at her with his eyes sparkling just for her.

"OK," she said tenderly. A tear fell onto her cheek, and he leaned down to kiss the spot where it fell.

Oh if you could read my mind
You'd know you're everything I need
You'd see yourself through my eyes
You may understand what I'm going through
Just how much I want you.

Show me what its like to lose control
Free the desire in your soul
Oh oh let me love you.

"And for the rest of my life?" he asked, suddenly blissfully unable to stop telling her how very much he needed her to know how he felt about her.

"I thought you'd never ask," she replied as their lips locked again, and they fell victim to the effects of their hearts becoming irrevocably entwined.

Let me take you to a place like no where else
Show you the things you never felt
Oh oh let me love you.

Let me love you.
Let me love you!

Show you what its like to lose control
Free the desire in your soul
Oh oh let me love you.


"Derek, I'm so sorry," she said as they danced in blissful privacy.

"Shhh....I know.......none of that matters now," he whispered.

"But I've hurt you so many times.....," she tried again.

"And I've never stopped loving you, Mer," he said in response.

"But you deserve someone........," Meredith began, but he put a finger on her lips to stop her mid-sentence.

"You're the only one I'll ever want," he said, as he touched her cheek gently before he lowered his lips to hers again. All he wanted was to show her how happy he was to be able to kiss her the way he'd wanted to do for so long.

Let me take you to a place like no where else
Show you the things you never felt
Oh oh let me love you.
Oh I love you.

Show you what its like to lose control
Free the desire in your soul
Oh oh let me love you.

Yeah baby.

Let me take you to a place like no where else
Show you the things you never felt
Oh oh let me love you.

Let me love you.
Let me love you.
Let me love you.
Let me love you.

Quite a while later, Derek felt another tap on his shoulder. "Dad. Dad!" Trent said loudly, grinning at the way his parents had completely lost themselves in each other's arms.

"What? Oh. Hi," Derek finally said, licking his lips as if he actually needed to remind himself that Meredith's were no longer attached there.

"Trent," Meredith began, "I should kill you."

"Awww........Mom," he began, "It's OK. You're happy. You both deserve to be happy."

"We're a spectacle," Meredith said, shaking her head in mock anger.

"True love always is," Trent replied. "Can you two come inside so that we can cut the cake? People are hungry, and they'll want to leave eventually."

After taking a few moments to help each other reassemble their outfits and tame their well-mussed hair, Derek led Meredith back inside the ballroom. They stood just inside the door to the balcony. Uncomfortable with everyone in the room knowing what she'd been doing, Meredith tried to pull away from Derek just a bit. But he'd have none of that. Stepping behind her, he put his arms around her waist and pulled her back against his chest. Unable to help her response, she leaned back against him and smiled. Both shed a few tears as they watched their son and his bride cut the wedding cake and share a few bits of cake in that romantic way that only newlyweds can get away with at a wedding.

Derek looked up to see Jim crossing the room toward them. He walked right up and shook Derek's hand. "It's about time you two stopped avoiding each other," he said, leaning over to kiss Meredith's cheek. "I've never been happier to be dumped at a party," he said grinning at her. They chatted briefly. Jim apologized to Derek and told him that he'd only been trying to protect Meredith from getting hurt.

No sooner than Jim had wandered away from the glowingly happy couple, Jenna came bounding over. "Derek!" she shrieked. "Were you really kissing Mom?"

"Yeah," he said, leaning down to kiss Meredith lightly just for show. "Oh my God!" Jenna exclaimed as she ran off to tell Ariella the news.

For the rest of the evening, Derek never left Meredith's side. They were stuck together as if they had used glue. They behaved themselves and greeted their guests belatedly, but he was always there, always touching her, unable to tear himself away from her side. Every time he looked over at her, he noticed how she was just glowingly happy. For his part, Derek's grin had never shone more brightly.

Derek was still holding Meredith as they waved goodbye to Trent and Allison as they left for their honeymoon. Trent had hugged them both so tightly and even fessed up to hoping that they'd each get jealous upon learning that the other had a date.

"Unbelievable!" Meredith said in shock. "You're just lucky it worked out well," Derek said, hugging his son tightly. "Thanks," he whispered ever so sincerely into his son's ear before he pulled away to leave.

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