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As Derek dropped the kids off at their hotel rooms, he told them that he and Meredith would be back to meet them for dinner at the hotel's restaurant. Trent eyed him suspiciously, "You two are coming back for dinner, aren't you?" At the moment, his bet was that they wouldn't see his parents until tomorrow. "Yes. And we'll be on time," Derek said smugly. "Good" was Trent's response.

"Dinner's not 'til eight," Derek said grinning and checking his watch. It was only two o'clock.

"TMI, Dad. Really," Trent said, shaking his head at his father. Derek ran over and kissed the girls goodbye and waved back at Trent and Allison as he headed for the stairwell. "Gotta run. Don't want to be late!"

"They're adorable," Alli said as they watched a grinning Derek disappear on his way back to his lover. "You, too, Mrs. Shepherd," Trent said, kissing her softly and then nibbling on her ear as he whispered, "Let's go take a nap."

"A nap sounds great. I'm beat," Alli said, pretending to stretch and yawn. Trent nodded to his sisters as they entered their room, "See ya later, kids."

The girls hauled their suitcases inside and started unpacking. "Earplugs," Jenna said as she rifled through her bag. "Did you pack the earplugs?" "Yeah," Ariella said, tossing a pack to her sister. "Thank God Mom and Derek aren't on the other side of us." "Seriously," Jenna said. "Hey, turn on the TV and find a movie or some loud music or something."


Back at Derek's apartment, Meredith had changed into some new lingerie. It was a really strappy little outfit with little ties all down the sides, so getting into it took some time. She grinned at the image of Derek speeding back across town to see her. She knew he would. The lingerie wasn't needed. She knew that, but she smiled as she thought about how she'd make him take his time removing it. If she could. Her heart raced at the thought. Flashes of him naked weren't helping her determination to take things slowly. Neither of them had any willpower, and it had been three weeks.

Sighing and flopping on the sofa, she decided that she felt rather naked just sitting in Derek's den in her lingerie. She got up and went into Derek's room, opening the closet and finding what she wanted. She put on one of his dress shirts and rolled up the sleeves, using it as a makeshift robe. Inhaling, she caught his unmistakable scent and sighed. Better, she thought, and she went back out to sit on the sofa. Flipping on the TV, she fumbled a bit to figure out the remote control. In the process of hitting buttons, she turned on his DVR and hit the menu button. Grimacing that she had meant to turn the cable on so that she could find a sappy movie, she made a face and tried to figure out how to turn the DVR off. But before she found the right button, she noticed the name of one of the recordings. "Derek is a TV Stud" caught her eye. She was more than curious. God, that sounded like a porny movie. Surely he didn't have a closet full of movie making skeletons she didn't know about. Shivering at the thought, she decided she had to satisfy her curiosity. Raising an eyebrow and leaning back into the sofa, she hit the play button.

Seeing what was recorded, she relaxed a bit. She was grinning at the image before her, reminding herself to tease him about the fact that he was, indeed, a TV stud. But what happened next had her mouth falling open. She sat gaping at the television until the recording ended. Still shocked and frustrated, she turned off the DVR. Her first instinct was anger. She was going to give him a piece of her mind. Getting up and pacing, she was working up quite a speech for dressing him down when he burst into the apartment and smiled at her adoringly. Try as she might, the look on his face melted away her anger. Tomorrow. We'll fight tomorrow, she thought as he walked toward her with such an incredible combination of lust and love on his face.

He stopped about ten paces away from her and the lust in his eyes became overpowering. "I want my present...NOW," he said in that husky voice that always betrayed his lust for her.

"Greedy man," she said, "You'll have to wait." She opened the dress shirt and slid it down slowly so that he was able to see what she wore beneath it. The shirt pooled on the floor at her feet. Derek watched it land and then devoured her body with his eyes.

Derek gulped hard and managed to utter, "Wait for what?"

"Not too long," she said as she walked up to him. Kissing him deeply, she left him wanting so much more. Backing away a bit, she looked at him with a bit of a dare in her expression. "You just need to unwrap it. Your present, I mean," she said seductively. "Oh, I'll unwrap it all right. I'm great at unwrapping," he said closing the distance between them. "I bet you are," Meredith said before he kissed her and scooped her up into his arms. He carried her into his room and lay her down in the middle of the large bed. He climbed onto the bed and lay down next to her, propping up on one elbow to admire her. "Prettiest package I've ever seen. Exquisite. Perfect....."

"Derek...shhh....," Meredith whispered, blushing under his scrutiny as she unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, tossing it on the floor.

Derek was all too willing to continue the game she had started. "I am so ready to open my present. A surprise present just showing up unannounced is hot. Unbelievably hot," he whispered into her ear as he lay beside her, tracing straps and lace on her teddy with his flaming fingertips, leaving little burn marks wherever he touched her skin. Despite his overwhelming need for her, he couldn't resist pausing to lavish little touches and caresses on her breasts and her stomach and beyond.

Both of them were already straining to hold themselves back. Meredith was relieved when Derek climbed atop her and kissed her hard. She was losing the ability to wait any longer. He pulled back and saw the clouds of desire in her eyes. He whispered to her as he ran his lips across her shoulders and down to her heaving chest, "You know the best way to open a present like this?"

"No," she whispered hoarsely [color=#EEF2F7'>]as his hands were roaming to a place that made her breath hitch. Knowing that he was winning the game, Derek decided to press his advantage. He nibbled on her lower lip and her neck and then worked his way back up to her earlobe. "With your teeth," he growled as he bit her earlobe playfully. Meredith gasped in response and arched her back a bit. To prove his strategy to be a wise one, Derek used his teeth to pull one shoulder strap down off her shoulder. Meredith moaned as he nibbled his way back up the path the strap had followed. "You think that was good...," Derek said, moving his teeth to pull on the strap that held the fabric over her left breast. [/color]

He proceeded to open the rest of his present that same way. By the time he had completely unwrapped his gift, she was putty in his hands. Luckily, she had made sure he was naked, too, and they made love until they were delirious and exhausted and as thankful as lovers should be on Thanksgiving.

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