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Carson walked over and hugged them both enthusiastically, "About damn time," she said as she giggled at how smitten they were finally showing themselves to be. She waved to the girls as she told Meredith that she'd take them back to her hotel room for the evening. She whispered something to Meredith that made her blush. Derek decided he loved Carson even more for whatever she'd said just then. He didn't even need to know what it was. They both got big hugs and kisses from both Jenna and Ariella before they left with their cousin to retrieve their bags from the bride's room.

Derek was still holding Meredith's hand as they made the rounds and said farewell to the guests who were now leaving. They snagged some of the remaining champagne and settled down into two chairs Derek had put together at an empty table. Before they got lost in each other's eyes again, Jim and Jen started walking toward them to say goodnight. Derek bolted out of his chair and ran over and hugged Jen so tightly that she was certain he might have broken a few ribs. He picked her up and spun her around and hugged her again.

Finally letting her breathe, he looked at her so gratefully. "Oh my God! I owe you.........everything. Is this real? Or have the drugs you gave me fried my brain?" he asked, unable to stop grinning.

"It's real," she said, smiling at how truly happy he looked. She'd known him so long yet seen him that happy so few times.

"She loves me, Jen. After all these years.........she never stopped."

Meredith walked up and gave Jen a bear hug of her own, "And she never will.........," she said, finishing what Derek had started. "Jen, thank you for watching over him for all these years. And for coming to the wedding. If I hadn't been so jealous.....," she began, looking over at Derek with tears in her eyes.

"I couldn't be happier for you both. You two were made for each other," Jen said smiling. "Go dance and drink some more champagne. I'll see you soon."

As they were returning to their seats, Derek's remaining family members came to say their goodbyes and to congratulate Derek and Meredith for finding each other again. They teased Derek about how they'd try to forgive him for ignoring them all night since he was off making out on the balcony. He just grinned and took what they threw at him. Nothing could dim the happiness he now felt.

For her part, Meredith got choked up listening to all of them sincerely welcome her and tell her she'd always been considered part of their family. Dave, Lauren and Kelly were last in line to say their goodbyes. Dave hugged Derek quickly and moved over to chat with Meredith. Lauren hugged her brother tightly and said a silent prayer of thanks that he could finally be happy. Kelly walked up and kissed Derek on the cheek. As she turned to leave, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back toward him, spinning her around in the process. "Raincheck on that dance, babe?" he said happily. "Sure, Uncle Derek. Just don't wait too long, or you might have to stand in line," she said grinning and hugging him close.

"The best ones are worth waiting for, honey," Derek said, his eyes once again upon Meredith—where they belonged.

When the guests had all left, Derek offered to drive Meredith home. She smiled happily at his offer, and they left the ballroom arm-in-arm. He was carrying the bags they had brought for changing for the ceremony. As they left, Meredith stopped and turned back to look across the room toward the balcony. "Just trying to remember every detail," she said as he leaned down and kissed her tenderly.

As they were crossing the lobby, the bell captain called out to them, "Dr. Shepherd! Dr. Shepherd, sir!"

"Yes?" Derek responded, thinking there must be some problem with the bill or something.

"I have something for you," the bell captain said, hurrying back behind the counter to retrieve something.

Derek smiled and looked sheepishly at Meredith when the bell captain produced his duffle bag and smiled proudly as his mission was accomplished. "Thank you," Derek said, smiling in the knowledge that Jen had brought it back downstairs for him. He slung the bag over his shoulder with the other two and put his other arm around Meredith as they made their way to the parking garage to get his rental car.

The drive to Meredith's house was a quiet one. They were both tired and overwhelmed and too giddy to carry on a heavy conversation. Plus, now that they were alone and faced with the weight of what the evening meant for both of them, they were each thoughtful and slightly nervous about what might happen next.

Derek parked the car in Meredith's driveway and pulled the hand he was holding up to his lips for a gentle kiss. He smiled at her as they both opened their car doors to get out. Hoping and praying but trying not to be presumptuous, Derek pulled Meredith's things out of the back seat and waited for Meredith to reach his side of the car. He grinned when she stopped and pulled his bags out of the back seat and handed them to him as well.

Once inside, Derek left the bags beside the front door and walked into the kitchen to follow Meredith. It looked as if she had planned to pour glasses of water for them, but she was standing and looking out the back window when he walked in.

Derek walked up behind her and put his arms around her. "Did today really happen?" he asked, having a hard time not thinking he was dreaming everything that had occurred.

"Yeah.......Wow......." she said, leaning back into his embrace.

"I know," he said, planting a chaste kiss on her temple. They stood there a while just being together in the peaceful night. Then Meredith poured them the water and handed a glass to him. They stood in companionable silence, both of them leaning back against the counter side-by-side as they made quick work of the water. Meredith put the glasses in the sink and turned to face him.

"So........," he whispered. "What now?"

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