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The week of Labor Day, Trent spent time in Seattle with his father. They both had looked forward to some quality male bonding, and Trent was more than thrilled to be escaping the wedding planning for a while. Allison wasn't a difficult bride-to-be, but pushing the wedding up so soon had made things overly hectic. And with school and worrying about her mom, the poor girl was a bit strung out. And there was only a month to work out all of the remaining details. Trent had even suggested that she go to Seattle with him for a vacation from it all, but she had declined and told him to go fish and drink beer with his father. He was glad to have the time just with Derek. Their visits were precious to both of them.

As usual, Derek and Trent enjoyed just hanging out. The talked about everything and nothing. They went fishing whenever the weather would permit. The day before he was to fly back to Chicago was one of those good fishing days. After catching more than they needed for their evening meal, the men sat back and relaxed--just enjoying the outdoors.

Derek's mind kept wandering to Meredith, but he knew he couldn't talk to Trent about her. So he sat and stared at the water and had the occasional conversation with his son. Trent was equally pensive, but for a completely different reason. He had something to discuss with his father and he wasn't sure what to say.

Finally Trent drank some beer and looked over at his father, "So, I've seen you in action this week. You're still flirting with the women, huh?"

"Yeah," Derek said, grinning. "They have great taste."

"It's the hair," Trent said, striking up the conversation they'd rehearsed several times over the years.

"It's all about the hair," Derek quipped.

They shared a light-hearted chuckle before Trent continued. "Are you dating, Dad?"

"Not much," Derek said as his smile faded.

"You should date," Trent said a little too quickly.

"Too busy," Derek said, casting his line and hoping the conversation was over.

"Yeah. Whatever," Trent offered nonchalantly. Then he continued with, "You are going to bring a date to the wedding, aren't you?"

"No. Why should I?" Derek asked with a frown.

"You need to bring a date. Ask someone out. Go out a few times and then ask her to go to the wedding."

"I know how to get a date, Trent. But I don't need one. My family will be there. I'll be hosting. I'll be busy. I don't need a date. Is this Allison—does she want me to have a date? I can talk to her."

"No. It's not Alli. But You.Need.A.Date." Trent said looking at his father and pleading with him to just acquiesce and not probe further.

"All right, what gives?" Derek asked with a cynical expression on his face.

Trent took a deep breath and looked up at his father thoughtfully. There wasn't any way to do this. He just had to blurt it out.

"Mom's bringing one," Trent said. He felt horrible for inflicting such pain on his father, but he couldn't bear the thought of him finding out once he arrived at the wedding.

Derek said nothing. He sat and tried to hide the pain his son's words brought. Denial was a good place. He had enjoyed it there. It had been almost two years since Steve had died. All this time, he had hoped he and Meredith could try again once she stopped grieving. And that kiss had meant something. But obviously he had read too much into it. The way she had pushed him away had led him to assume that she was just deciding to take on a solitary life much as he had. He could deal with that. But she's dating someone else? After I told her I'd see her at the wedding? He was angry and hurt and sad. He sat with his head in his hands for a long time.

Trent finally moved over and started the motor on the small craft. They sailed silently to shore and unloaded the boat. Trent knew his father couldn't stomach the comfort he wanted to offer him, so he just let him suffer quietly.

That night, Derek tossed and turned. He picked up his phone at least 25 times to call and yell at Meredith, but he never did. She's moved on. Dammit, after all this time! He didn't know what he'd do or how he'd handle the wedding now, but he was certain of one thing.

He was most definitely taking a date.


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