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The family spent a blissful, snowy Christmas in Chicago. And they reveled in their togetherness and happiness in the week leading up to the New Year. On New Year's Eve, they had quite the family party. Afterward, when it was about two in the morning, Trent, Alli, and the girls were in bed. Meredith and Derek were still sitting on the floor and leaning back against the sofa, enjoying the roaring fire and each other's company. "Happy New Year," Derek whispered to Meredith for about the 15th time. He sat aimlessly running his fingers through her hair and adoring her. "You, too," Meredith whispered, "Can you believe that we'll be together this year?" She smiled up at him happily.

"I can't wait. We need to do something about this distance thing between us. I know we need to talk. But there's something else I want to do first," Derek said to her.

"OK," Meredith said. "What?"

Derek smiled at her and kissed her tenderly. "I want to give you a present."

Meredith was surprised. She figured this was his way about using their code word for suss. Not sure, she continued, "A present? But you've already done so much. I'm spoiled. Besides, you're the only present I want."

"Nope. One more present. Well, maybe two," he insisted.

"Two?" Meredith asked in disbelief. "No. Save them for Valentine's Day or something."

"Sit right here," Derek said grinning. "I'll be back."

Meredith sat and smiled at him as he left. He looked excited. He looked like such a kid when he was excited about something. She loved that about him. It was one of many things she truly loved about him. She knew in that moment that she really could not be any happier. She couldn't wait to tell him her news.

Then she heard him put on the CD she had sent to Seattle to play when he was in surgery. He's such a romantic. She eagerly awaited his return. And she did not have to wait long. He walked up and knelt down beside her. They exchanged a glance and a wordless appreciation for one another. "OK. I can handle one more gift," she joked as she reached for the gift bag.

"Not so fast.....," he said, pulling the gift bag away from her.

"But.....," she protested as she grinned.

"I love you with all my heart. I am so grateful to have you back in my life. You are amazing, and all I want to do is to make you happy. Now," he said pausing dramatically, "Open your gift."

How does it feel to know you're everything I need
The butterflies in my stomach
They could bring me to my knees
How does it feel to know you're everything I want
I've got a hard time saying this
So I'll sing it in a song

"Derek," she said, leaning up to kiss him. "Thank you. I love you so much. I...."

"Shhh.....," he said, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Open gift now....gush later...OK?"

Oh I adore the way you carry yourself
With the grace of a thousand angels overhead
I love the way the galaxy starts to melt
When we become one
When we become one
When we become one
When we become one

Meredith sat up and opened the gift bag. A small box was inside. She pulled it out and unwrapped it. When she opened the box, she found a smaller box inside. She opened it, and her eyes opened wide with surprise. With tears in her eyes, she looked up at him with love her only expression.

Derek pulled her up and helped her sit on the sofa. Then he got down on one knee. He took her hand and put the beautiful diamond ring upon the fourth finger of her left hand. It was exactly the same style as the one he had chosen so many years ago. It was just significantly larger now that he had the means to afford it.

How does it feel
How does it feel when we get locked into a stare?
Please don't come looking for me
When I get lost in the mess of your hair
How do you feel when everything you've known
Gets thrown aside
Never fear, my dear, 'cause we have nothing left to hide

He had expected to be nervous about this. But it was his Meredith, and telling her that she was his everything would always seem like the right thing to do. He smiled down at the sparkly diamond on her hand and looked up into her eyes as they sparkled much more brightly. Smiling at her through his tears, he officially handed his heart to her.

"Meredith Elizabeth Grey, I love you with all my heart. I know we're young, and we haven't even begun our lives." Realizing what he was doing, Meredith's other hand flew to cover her mouth and hold back happy sobs that wanted to escape. "You have to finish college, and we both have to finish medical school. Then we'll have our residencies and years of hard work to do. We both have so much to learn about life and about each other. But time and knowledge learned won't change the fact that you are the one for me. I'm not the man I'm supposed to be without you. You make me whole and make me happy and fill my heart with love and hopes and dreams.

"So please wear this ring and say that you'll marry me. When and where are not important—as long as you say you'll have me and love me and be with me forever. I want us to live our very own happily ever after, and I want our love and our love story to inspire our friends and family and children.

"Nothing will ever stop me from loving you. I've missed you so much while I've been away. Please say you'll marry me now that I've come back home to you."

Oh I adore the way you carry yourself
With the grace of a thousand angels overhead
I love the way the galaxy starts to melt

Hold on to me girl
If you feel your grip getting loose
Just know that I'm right next to you
Hold on to me girl
If you feel your grip getting loose
Just know that I won't let you down

He smiled at her as only he could. Then she reached up and pulled his lips to hers, trying to answer his proposal with everything she could throw into that kiss. Still unconvinced that she'd let him know how truly happy she was, she pulled back and ran her fingertips over his cheek and down his jaw. This precious man was proposing exactly as he had planned to do so many years ago. It was just one more way to prove that their love was timeless and boundless and life-sustaining.

Well, I'm ready
Well, I'm ready
I am ready
To run away with you
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
To run away with me

Pack your things we can leave today
Pack your things we can leave today
Say our goodbyes and get on the train
Say goodbye
Just you and I in the sweet unknown
We can just call each other our home

"Yes, I'll marry you, Derek. It really is all I've ever wanted. And through school and our residencies and all the years we've waited, my heart has always belonged to you. I didn't deserve you back in my life, but I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you and showing you how much you mean to me. Thank you for waiting and for not losing hope when things looked so dark. You make me the happiest woman in the world."

He scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. They made love for hours—shedding happy tears, showing endless passion, and whispering promises of forever until they fell asleep in love's sweetest embrace.

If I had to choose a way to die
It'd be with you
In a goosebump infested embrace
With my overanxious hands cupping your face
In a goosebump infested embrace
With my overanxious hands cupping your cherub face

How does it feel?

The Spill Canvas-So Much

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