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Derek Shepherd sat on the sofa beside her. They talked and laughed and enjoyed each other's company. They always had. Things between them had always been easy. They were close. They enjoyed just being together whether that involved long conversations or companionable silences. As they talked, he sipped his scotch slowly and relaxed into the experience of the evening. He relished the feeling of his favorite drink burning its way down his esophagus and to his stomach. From there, the fiery liquid sent warmth throughout his body. As he sat there unwinding, he focused on the sound of her melodious laughter and the ambiance of the room lit with candles. The room was still immersed in the scents of the delicious meal they'd enjoyed. Looking over at her, he smiled that smile—the happy, contented one that almost made his eyes light up and sparkle.

She leaned her head over against his shoulder. She held back the contented sigh that nearly escaped her lips. She wasn't exactly sure why she held back. She knew that she could relax and be herself with him. "How long have we been doing this?" she asked with a shy smile.

"About six months," he replied quietly as he clinked his highball glass against her near-empty wine goblet.

"Six months?" she asked in surprise. "When did that happen?"

"Yeah," he said smiling, "I don't know what I'd do without you. It's like I was drowning and you saved me. You were like a breath of fresh air."

Touched by his sentiment, she put her wineglass on the table and let go of the last shred of self-control to which she'd been clinging. She turned toward him, leaned up and crushed her lips against his, not knowing what his reaction would be but hoping that he would be as eager to continue as she was. Her heart was pounding and it raced even faster when he responded to her advance. She put her arms around his neck and felt his pulse racing, too. He placed his glass on the table and pulled her onto his lap in order to deepen the kiss. More than willing to part her lips in order to welcome his probing tongue, she moaned a little in response.

Hearing her moan, he was encouraged to push things further. His hands explored her beautiful, perfectly fit body, finding countless signs that she wanted him to continue. As he unclasped her bra and found his way to her newly-freed breasts, she felt her body respond to his magical touch and wound her fingers through his curls and pulled him closer to her. No longer content with the space the small sofa afforded them, Derek picked her up and carried her to her bedroom, never pausing from his assault on her lips. Thrilled with where this was headed, she had his shirt nearly unbuttoned by the time he lay her down and crushed her body with his own. They both lost track of time as their not-so-subtle probing of each other continued with abandon. She barely remembered how she lost the rest of her clothing, but she remembered mentally cursing her own difficulty removing his.

Come in, come in
Come into my world I've got to show
Show show you
Come into my bed
I've got to know
Know know you

I have dreams of orca whales and owls
But I wake up in fear
You will never be my
You will never be my fool
Will never be my fool

As his hands and mouth moved over every single inch of her giving her intense pleasure, her body gave way to the first of what seemed to be endless orgasms.......Content that he'd made sure that she'd enjoyed herself fully, he finally reached the point where he couldn't postpone his own pleasure any longer. He made love to her hungrily, his thoughts and his body completely focused only on her.......She was drowning in the sea that was Derek, and she never ever wanted to be rescued. Their bodies were entwined, and they fit together as if they were made for this purpose alone. As his passion peaked, he looked at her with eyes blazing with love and passion overflowing. As he stared into her soul, he yelled out her name..........


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